To Read Part 1 Click Preparation required to survive during the adverse times Part 1
1 A 3. Commence cultivation of food grains, rearing cattle, etc. immediately
Whatever be the reserve stock of food grains, it is bound to deplete. To prevent reaching a stage where the stored grains have been exhausted and avoid starvation, it is necessary to cultivate food grains, rear cattle, etc. in preparation for facing the adverse times.
1 A 3 A. Grow crops such as rice, legumes, etc.
Those who are not farmers should learn about farming from experienced individuals.
1 A 3 B. Cultivating vegetables, root and tuber vegetables and fruit-bearing trees
To acquaint the readers with various aspects of cultivation, we have mentioned these in brief. Sanatan is going to publish a separate Text on ‘How to cultivate and preserve vegetables, fruit trees, etc. ?’
1 A 3 B 1. Need to cultivate vegetables, root and tuber vegetables and fruit-bearing trees
A. Foodgrains, legumes, etc. to suffice some months can be stored; but so is not the case with vegetables, fruits, etc.
B. Cooking vegetables for meals will save on grains and legumes and they will last longer.
C. Very vast cultivable land is required for growing grains and legumes, but vegetables and fruits can be grown in the balcony and the back-yard of the house.
D. Vegetables grow faster than grains and legumes.
E. Vitamins, iron, fibre, etc. essential for our body are present in vegetables, root and tuber vegetables and fruits. Hence, dieticians tell us to include these in our diet.
F. Vegetables bring variety to the meal by removing the monotony of eating dal or some usal (Preparation from legumes) and Indian bread every day; besides, vegetables make the meal tastier.
G. Vegetables and fruits also have medicinal value.
1 A 3 B 2. Which vegetables, root and tuber vegetables and fruit trees need to be grown as a part of preparations for facing the adverse times ?
Whatever is planted should give crops or fruits fast during adverse times. Considering this point, barring alu (Elephant’s ear), most leafy vegetables, cluster beans, cabbage, pea, cauliflower, tomato, brinjal, okra (ladies’ fingers), green chillies, bell-peppers (capsicum), creeper vegetables (Example lima beans, ivy/scarlet gourd); root and tuber vegetables such as potato, beet, carrot, radish, sweet potato, Indian kudzu, vine potato, purple yam and yam root; fruit trees such as pineapple, papaya, bananas, sapodilla and pomegranate can be planted.
1 A 3 B 3. When should vegetables, root and tuber vegetables and fruits be planted ?
Most leafy vegetables, brinjals, tomato, and ladies’ fingers can be planted any time. Creeper vegetables (Example, ivy gourd) and cluster vegetables (Example, cluster beans) should be planted at the beginning of monsoons or at the end of the winter season. Root and tuber vegetables (Example, sweet potato) and fruit trees should be planted at the beginning of monsoons.
– Mr Avinash Jadhav, Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Goa, India. (March 2020)

1 A 3 B 4. Utilising alternatives to earthen pots for planting vegetables and leafy vegetables
Growing plants in earthen pots is ideal for their growth; however, earthen pots are relatively delicate and break easily. We are not sure what will happen during the adverse times; hence, to avoid loss, alternatives such as metal barrels, empty metal cans of oil, plastic sacks, bags, tins, flat tub or barrels, etc. will prove useful for planting. Make 2-3 equidistant holes about ½ inch above the base to release the excess water. If the holes are made at the base of these containers, there is a likelihood of the roots of the plant escaping the container and entering the soil.
– Mr Madhav Ramchandra Paradkar, Dicholi, Goa, India. (28.5.2020)

1 A 3 B 5. Vegetables that can be grown in the balcony
If the balcony gets 3-4 hours sunlight in a day, then brinjal, tomato, chillies, coriander, etc. can be grown there. Even if enough sunlight is not available in the balcony, we can grow ginger there.
1 A 3 B 6. Vegetables, root and tuber vegetables and fruits that can be grown on the terrace
All vegetables that can be grown in the balcony, as well as most leafy vegetables, vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, cluster beans, ladies’ fingers, etc.; creeper vegetables such as ivy gourd; root and tuber vegetables such as potatoes, radish, beet and carrot; as also pineapple among the fruits.
1 A 3 B 7. Vegetables and root and tuber vegetables that can be grown in the backyard
Vegetables grown in the balcony and on the terrace of a house; creeper vegetables such as lima beans; as also root and tuber vegetables such as sweet potatoes, yam root.
1 A 3 B 8. Fruit trees that can be grown in the backyard
Lemon, banana, guava, sapodilla, papaya, pineapple, custard apple and figs.
– Mr Avinash Jadhav, Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Goa. (March 2020)
1 A 3 C. Rearing cattle
Cows are to be reared for milk, urine, cowdung cakes, etc.; whereas, bulls for farming, pulling carts, etc. Learn how to rear cattle, milk cows, take care of them during their illness, etc. from experts.
1 A 4. Commence cooking wild vegetables (that grow naturally during rainy season) immediately
Wild vegetables such as takla (Cassia tora), bharangi (Clerodendrum serratum), kurdu (Celosia argentea), aghada (Prickly chaff flower) can be included in our food. Consult experts to learn about their use.
‘Nisarga Mitra’ (Mobile : 9423858711), an organisation in Kolhapur, Maharashtra has published a book on ‘Wild vegetables with medicinal qualities’. They have given the medicinal and dietary use of 61 wild vegetables along with their pictures.
(Reference : Sanatan’s forthcoming Text series – ‘Preparations required to survive the adverse times’)
(Copyright : Sanatan Bharatiya Sanskruti Sanstha)
To read Part 3 Click here Preparation required to survive during the adverse times Part 3