Spiritual effect of playing a tabla measured using UTS (Universal Thermo Scanner)

Scientific experiment conducted by
Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay using UTS (Universal Thermo Scanner)

Spiritual effect of playing a tabla,
on the tabla and 2 seekers playing it

Singing, playing instruments and dancing are the core elements of Indian classical music, and have a close association with rhythm-generating instruments. Over the years, the tabla (A membranophone percussion instrument consisting of a pair of drums, used in traditional, classical, popular and folk music) has become an integral part of Indian classical music. When an artist plays an instrument, it affects the artist as well as the non-living instrument (such as tabla, harmonium, sitar etc.). This effect depends on various factors such as whether or not the performance of the artist is sattvik in nature, the sattvikata of the artist, whether or not he has spiritual distress (Note 1) etc. In the present Raja-Tama-predominant phase of Kaliyug, 30% people are affected by severe spiritual distress. Hence, this experiment was conducted to study the spiritual effect of playing a tabla, on the tabla and 2 seeker-artists playing the tabla – one of whom has severe spiritual distress and other who does not. This experiment was conducted by the Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay using UTS on 7.9.2017 in Sanatan Ashram at Ramnathi, Goa. The nature of the experiment, observations and their analysis are given ahead.


1. Nature of the experiment

In this experiment, a comparative study before and after playing the tabla was made by using UTS on the tablas and on the 2 seeker-artists playing the tabla, one of whom has severe spiritual distress and other who does not.

Note 1 – Spiritual distress : Having spiritual distress means the concerned individual has negative vibrations. If these vibrations are 50% and above, the distress is ‘severe’, between 30% and 49% it is ‘moderate’ distress and less than 30% is ‘mild’ distress. Spiritual distress is caused due to spiritual reasons such as prarabdha (Destiny), distress due to ancestors. Saints or seekers who have subtle perception ability can analyse the spiritual distress.

Note for readers : We have given the common features of UTS on https://www.sanatan.org/en/universal-scanner – Introduction to UTS, Various components of the scientific experiment conducted with the instrument and description, Measuring the aura of an object using the UTS, Procedure and precautions taken for consistency in the readings, Tabulated observations etc.


2. UTS observations and their analysis

2A. The effect of playing (the tabla) on the tabla

2A 1. Marginal generation of negative energy in the tabla after a lady-seeker who had severe spiritual distress plays it

In the readings of the tablas taken before they were played by a seeker who has severe spiritual distress and the other seeker who does not, no Infrared negative energy was found in their tablas. No Infrared negative energy was found in the tabla of the seeker who did not have any spiritual distress after he had played it. However, in the observation of the tabla of the seeker who had severe spiritual distress, the arms of the scanner opened 30° after she had played it. This indicates that after playing the tabla, there was a marginal increase in Infrared negative energy in her tabla. No Ultraviolet negative energy was found in the tabla of both the seekers, before and after they had played their tablas.

2A 2. Positive vibrations in the tabla of the seeker who had severe spiritual distress and that of the seeker who had no spiritual distress showing an increase after they played their tablas and the increase in the tabla of the latter is greater

Every individual, premises or object may not necessarily have positive energy. In the readings taken for recording positive energy in the tabla of the lady-seeker who had severe spiritual distress before commencement of the experiment, the arms of UTS opened 30°. This means that fractional positive energy was present in the tabla before it was played. After she played the tabla, the UTS arms opened 45°, which means that there was a marginal increase in positive energy in the tabla. In the readings taken for recording positive energy in the tabla of the seeker who did not have spiritual distress, the UTS arms opened 45°. After the seeker played the tabla, the UTS arms opened 90°, indicating a marginal increase. From these observations we can conclude that upon playing the tabla, the increase in positive vibrations in the tabla played by a seeker who did not have spiritual distress is greater than those in the tabla played by a seeker who had severe spiritual distress.

2A 3. After the tabla was played, the aura of the tabla of the seeker who had severe spiritual distress reduces; whereas, that of the seeker who did not have spiritual distress increases

Generally, the aura of a common man is 1 meter. Before the tablas were played by the respective seekers, the aura of the tabla of the seeker who had severe spiritual distress and who did not have distress were 1.77 meters and 1.47 meters respectively.

After both the seekers had played their tabla, there was a marginal reduction of 10 cms. in the aura of the tabla of the seeker who had severe spiritual distress; whereas, the aura of the tabla of the seeker who did not have distress increased by 51 cms. and became 1.98 meters.

The spiritual analysis of the above observations are given in Points ‘3B 1A’ and ‘3B 1B’.

2B. The impact of playing the tabla on the tabla players

2B1. The negative vibrations in the lady-seeker who had severe spiritual distress reduced upon playing the tabla

Before playing the tabla, the aura of negative energy around the seeker who had severe spiritual distress was 60 cms. In the observations made after playing the tabla, the arms of the scanner opened 120°. Hence, the aura of the negative energy could not be measured. (The aura can be measured only if the UTS arms open 180°).This means that upon playing the tabla, the negative energy of this seeker reduced. Ultraviolet energy (negative energy) was not noticed in the lady-seeker before and after playing the tabla. There was no negative energy of any type in the seeker who had no distress before and after playing the tabla. The spiritual analysis of these observations are given in Points ‘3A’ and ‘3B’.

2B 2. A marginal increase in the positive energy of the seeker who had no spiritual distress after playing the tabla, but positive energy was not generated in the seeker who had severe spiritual distress

In the reading of the seeker who did not have spiritual distress taken before playing the tabla, the arms of the UTS opened 45°. This means he had slight positive energy. After playing the tabla, the arms of the UTS opened 120°. This indicates that there was a marginal increase in the positive energy of the seeker. There was no positive energy in the lady-seeker who had severe spiritual distress before and after playing the tabla.

2B 3. After playing the tabla, noticing a marginal increase in the aura around the seeker who had severe spiritual distress as well as the seeker who did not have distress

Before playing the tabla, the aura around the seeker who had severe spiritual distress was 1.5 meters and that of the seeker who did not have distress was 2 meters. After playing the tabla, there was an increase of 10 cms. each in the aura around both the seekers.

The spiritual analysis of these observations are given in Points ‘3B 2’ and ‘3B 3’.


3. Spiritual science underlying the observations

3A. Sattvik (Positive) vibrations being emitted upon playing the tabla

The reasons for emission of positive vibrations from playing the tabla in this experiment are mentioned ahead.

3A 1. The foundation of Bharatiya classical music is spiritual and hence, sattvik vibrations are generated

It is said that ‘western music can only shake the body, whereas the Bharatiya classical music has the power to stir the subconscious mind’. The foundation of Bharatiya classical music is spiritual and hence, it has the ability to generate positive vibrations. It is a medium of God-realisation. Such music is beneficial to the audience.’ – Sadguru (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil (Sangeet Visharad)

3A 2. ‘The tabla is a musical instrument associated with Bhaktiyoga and Shrikrushna Principle.’

– A Scholar (23.8.2007) (Sanatan’s Saint, Sadguru [Mrs.] Anjali Gadgil’s writings are published under the pseudonym of A Scholar, Gurutattva etc.)

3A 3. Both the seekers playing the tabla as their seva

Both the seekers played the tabla as their seva and not as exhibition of their expertise.

3B. Spiritual benefits obtained by the tabla and the
participants due to the sattvik vibrations emitted during the tabla playing

3B 1. The tabla
3B 1A. Sattvikata generated upon playing of the tabla by a seeker who did not have spiritual distress affecting the tabla

When the tabla was played by a seeker who did not have spiritual distress, small amount of sattvik vibrations were generated in the tabla and its aura also increased. Even a non-living object such as the tabla was affected by the sattvikata.

3B 1B. Marginal increase in the positive energy in the tabla after it was played by a seeker who had severe spiritual distress; at the same time, due to emission of negative energy by the negative energy troubling the seeker on the tabla, leading to generation of negative vibrations around the tabla 

Sattvik vibrations were emitted when the tabla was played by the seeker who had severe spiritual distress; hence, the negative energy troubling the seeker emitted negative energy on the tabla. As a result, there was marginal generation of negative energy around the tabla and marginal reduction in the aura of the tabla. However, there was a marginal increase in the positive energy in the tabla due to the sattvik vibrations emitting upon playing of the tabla.

3B 2. Seeker who had severe spiritual distress
3B 2A. Though no positive energy was generated in the seeker who had severe spiritual distress, there was reduction in her negative energy and marginal increase in her aura

When the tabla was played by the seeker who had severe spiritual distress, it did not generate any positive energy in her; because, whatever positivity was generated by playing the tabla was utilised in fighting the severe distress caused by negative energies (Note 1).

Yet, because the energy of the negative energy was spent in this subtle battle (Note 2), the negative energy in the lady-seeker reduced. Consequently, there was a marginal increase in her aura.

Note 1 – Negative energy : Positive as well as negative energies are present in the environment. While positive energies help human beings perform good deeds, negative energies do the opposite. There are many stories in our Scriptures on how the negative energies disrupted the Yadnyas (Sacrificial fires) being performed by Sages. (Reference : Sanatan’s Holy text – ‘Introduction to Spirituality’)

Note 2 – Subtle : ‘Subtle’ is that which is beyond the understanding of the gross five sense organs, mind and intellect.

3B 3. Seeker who did not have spiritual distress

3B 3A. Playing the tabla marginally increased the positive energy as well as the aura of the seeker who did not have spiritual distress.’ ?

– Mrs. Madhura Dhananjay Karve, Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay, Goa. (14.10.2017)

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Playing the tabla increased the positive energy as well as the aura of the seeker who did not have spiritual distress !


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