Scientific experiment conducted by
Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay using UAS (Universal Aura Scanner)
Study of the spiritual effect of menstrual cycle
on a lady-seeker who has severe spiritual distress,
a lady-seeker who does not have spiritual distress and a lady-Saint
In the earlier times, girls and women used to follow the necessary Achardharma (Code of righteous conduct) such as not visiting Holy places associated with God and Dharma, not touching food-grains and objects meant for long storage, resting during their menstruation etc.
A scientific experiment was conducted using UAS to study the effect of a woman’s menstrual cycle on herself and the environment in July 2016 by Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay in Sanatan Ashram at Ramnathi, Goa. The nature of the experiment, observations and their analysis are given ahead.
1. Nature of the experiment
In this experiment, UAS reading of a lady-seeker who has severe spiritual distress, a lady-seeker who does not have spiritual distress and a lady-Saint were taken before and after commencement of their menstrual cycle and the observations were recorded. Then, a comparative study of these observations was done.
Note – Spiritual distress : Having spiritual distress means the concerned individual has negative vibrations. If these vibrations are 50% and above, the distress is ‘severe’, between 30% and 49% it is ‘moderate’ distress and less than 30% is ‘mild’ distress. Spiritual distress is caused due to spiritual reasons such as prarabdha (Destiny), distress due to ancestors. Saints or seekers who have subtle perception ability can analyse the spiritual distress.
Note for readers : Due to shortage of space we have given the common features of UAS on (Please note that some letters are in Caps) – Introduction to UAS, various components of the scientific experiment conducted with the instrument and description, Measuring the aura of an object using the UAS, Procedure and precautions taken for consistency in the readings, tabulated observations etc.
2. Observations and their analysis
2A. Analysis of observations pertaining to the negative energy
2A 1. Slight increase in the negative energy of the lady-seeker suffering from severe spiritual distress after her menstrual cycle starts
The lady-seeker suffering from severe spiritual distress did not have infrared energy (negative energy) in her before the commencement of her menstrual cycle. After the commencement of her menstrual cycle, there was generation of negative energy to a small amount (indicated by the arms of the scanner opening upto an angle of 30°).
Small amount (indicated by the arms of the scanner opening upto an angle of 20°) of ultraviolet energy (negative energy) was found in her before commencement of her menstrual cycle. After the commencement of her menstrual cycle, there was a marginal increase in the ultraviolet energy in her (indicated by the arms of the scanner opening upto an angle of 90°). In short, upon commencement of the menstrual cycle of the lady-seeker suffering from severe spiritual distress, there was an increase in the negative energy in her.
2A 2. The lady-seeker who was not suffering from spiritual distress did not have any negative energy before commencement of her menstrual cycle. Even during her menstrual cycle, no negative energy was generated in her.
2A 3. The lady-Saint did not have any negative energy before commencement of Her menstrual cycle and did not develop any during Her menstrual cycle either.
2B. Analysis of the observations associated with positive energy
2B1. The positive energy of the lady-seeker who had severe spiritual distress reducing after commencement of her menstrual cycle
The lady-seeker who was suffering from severe spiritual distress had very little positive energy in her before the commencement of her menstrual cycle (indicated by the scanner that opened upto an angle of 90°). After commencement of her menstrual cycle, there was reduction in the positive energy in her as the arms of the scanner opened upto an angle of 20°. This indicates that there is a reduction in the positive energy in the lady-seeker who had severe spiritual stress, after commencement of her menstrual cycle.
2B 2. The aura of positive energy of the lady-seeker who did not have any spiritual distress reducing by about 50% upon commencement of her menstrual cycle
The lady-seeker who did not have any spiritual distress was full of positive energy before the commencement of her menstrual cycle and her aura was about 3 meters (Since the scanner made an angle of 180°, it was possible to measure the positive energy aura). Even after her menstrual cycle commenced, she was full of positive energy; but her aura reduced by about 50% and came down to 1.59 meters. This means that during the menstrual cycle, the positive energy aura reduced by about half.
2B 3. The lady-Saint experiencing negligible reduction in positive energy aura during Her menstrual cycle
The aura of positive energy of the lady-Saint was full before commencement of Her menstrual cycle, and was 2 meters. After commencement of Her menstrual cycle also, Her aura came down to 1.57 meters, meaning, there was a marginal reduction in her aura.
2C. Analysis of the observations pertaining to the aura of the lady-seekers
2C 1. Reduction in the aura of the lady-seeker who had severe spiritual distress upon commencement of her menstrual cycle
The aura of a normal individual is about 1 meter. The aura of the lady-seeker who had severe spiritual distress was 3.88 meters before commencement of her menstrual cycle. Upon commencement of her menstrual cycle, the aura reduced to 2.56 meters, meaning, there was a reduction of 1.32 meters in her aura.
2C 2. Major reduction in the aura of the lady-seeker who did not have any spiritual distress after commencement of her menstrual cycle
The aura of the lady-seeker who did not have any spiritual distress was 6.06 meters before commencement of her menstrual cycle. Upon commencement of her menstrual cycle, her aura reduced to 2.45 meters, meaning, there was a reduction of 3.61 meters. From this we understand that there is a major reduction in the aura of the lady-seeker during her menstrual cycle.
2C 3. Negligible reduction in the aura of the lady-Saint after commencement of Her menstrual cycle
The aura of the lady-Saint was 6.08 meters before commencement of Her menstrual cycle. After commencement of Her menstrual cycle, it reduced to 5.27 meters, meaning, there was only a marginal reduction in the aura.
Spiritual analysis of these observations is given ahead in Point No. 3
3. Spiritual science underlying the observations
3A. Increase in the Raja component in women
during their menstrual cycle resulting in emission of
Raja-predominant vibrations into the environment from their body
After commencement of their menstrual cycle, there is an increase in the Raja component in women. Therefore, emission of Raja-predominant vibrations takes place from their body into the environment. Hence, Scriptures have advised women to avoid visiting Holy places (temples, worship centres etc.), not touching food-grains and objects meant for long storage etc. during their menstrual cycle.
3B. Increase in the Raja component in women during
menstrual cycle leading to reduction in the positive energy in them
There is an increase in the Raja component in a woman during her menstrual cycle. In this period, the positive energy in her can reduce in varying proportions depending on the state of her mind and body, on whether she has or does not have spiritual distress etc. In the observations made during the experiment, reduction has been observed in the positive energy in the lady-seeker who had severe spiritual distress and the one who did not have any spiritual distress.
3C. The negative vibrations in the environment can get attracted
to the Raja-predominant vibrations emitted by women during their menstrual cycle
During the menstrual cycle, there is an increase in the Raja component in women, and as a result, the negative vibrations in the environment can get attracted to them. This can lead to an increase in the negative vibrations in her if she already has spiritual distress. This was noticed from the observations made during the experiment conducted on the lady-seeker who had severe spiritual distress.
3D. Increased Raja component during the menstrual cycle of the lady-seekers who had severe spiritual distress and who did not have any spiritual distress, led to reduction in their aura.
3E. A jiva (Embodied soul) that has attained Sainthood
is sattvik and does not get affected by any external changes
There was negligible reduction in the positive energy aura of the lady-Saint before and during Her menstrual cycle. This proves that external factors do not affect spiritually evolved individuals. Yet, the spiritually evolved individuals lead by example and abide by Achardharma so that sanskars (Subtle impressions on the subconscious mind) are created on others.
– Mrs. Madhura Dhananjay Karve, Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay, Goa. (19.11.2017)
If a woman in her menstrual phase comes in contact with Holy ash, the spiritual purity in it reduces. Hence, it is advisable not to touch the store of Holy ash during menses. However, if a woman is staying alone she can keep a small store of Holy ash apart before her menses to use during that period, so that she does not have to touch the main store.
Scriptures have advised women to avoid visiting Holy places, not touching food-grains etc. during their menstrual cycle !