Spiritual healing remedy of using empty boxes for curing ailments – Part 3

Saints have predicted that during the coming World War lll, lakhs of people will die due to nuclear radiation. In future, natural calamities will also increase. During adversity, the communication channels break down. It becomes difficult to take patients to a hospital, contact some doctor or buy medicines. Sanatan Sanstha has prepared a Holy text series that will help in facing these adverse times. The methods of treatment learnt from this series will be helpful not only during emergencies but at other times too; for, they will make everyone self-sufficient and confident. As of now, there are 13 Holy texts in this series. ‘Spiritual healing remedy of using empty boxes for curing ailments (2 Volumes)’ is one amongst these and we are introducing it in two parts. Information in detail is provided in these Holy texts.

‘Spiritual healing remedy of using empty boxes for curing ailments’ is a Holy text which will be useful not only during the adverse times but during normal times too.

A simple cardboard box may seem an unlikely tool for spiritual healing remedy; however, the hollowness or the void of a box is directly related to the Akashtattva (Absolute Ether Principle). Out of all the Panchatattvas (Absolute Cosmic Principles), Akashtattva is the most subtle and also the most powerful. During spiritual healing, when one is exposed to Akashtattva, the healing is enhanced.

3D. Performing box-remedies while asleep

Distress due to negative energy is more at night. Hence, along with box-remedies during the day, the individual who has distress should perform box-remedies at night too. Even those who are not suffering from any distress should perform box-remedies at night when going to bed to create a protective sheath.

3D 1. Some guidelines on arrangement of boxes around the bed
3D 1A. Place boxes at the level at which the individual is sleeping (whether on the floor or on a bed)

1. Try to place the boxes as per the height of the bed by using a chair, stool, table etc. If this is not possible, place them at a lower height or on the floor. The benefit obtained by placing the boxes at other levels is only 20 to 30 percent of that obtained by placing them at the required level. Considering this, try to place the boxes at the required level.

If it is not possible to place the boxes at the same level, place them at an angle in a manner that the void of the boxes faces the individual (See the figure below. This figure shows only two boxes for convenience.)

2. If the bed is touching the wall on one or two sides, then before going to bed, pull it away from the wall and place boxes at its height. (If it is not possible to pull the bed away from the wall, place small boxes on its edge near the wall. Though the benefit obtained from small boxes is less than the large ones, it is still better than placing no box at all.)

3D 1B. Place the boxes about 30 cms. (1 foot) away from the bed. A variation of about 10 cms. is acceptable. If this is not possible, the distance can be reduced further.

3D 1C. As shown in point ‘3D 2A’, place the boxes horizontally. This will bring maximum portion of the individual’s body in the effective zone of the boxes.

3D 2. Performing spiritual remedies when one or more individuals suffering from distress sleep together
3D 2A. How to place the boxes when only one individual suffering from distress is sleeping

Place boxes as shown in the figure below on four sides of the individual’s bed.

3D 2A 1. Place a box near the individual’s head in a straight line facing the head.

3D 2A 2. Place another box near the individual’s feet in a straight line facing the soles.

3D 2A 3. Place two boxes each on the left and the right side facing the spots where spiritual remedies are to be performed. The open side of the box should face the individual. (If the spots for remedies are not fixed, place the boxes 1, 2, 3 and 4 as shown in point ‘3D 2A’.)

3D 2A 4. Take two more boxes and place one with the open side facing upwards and the other with the open side facing downwards anywhere within the area marked by the boxes surrounding the individual as shown in figure in point ‘3D 2A’. (Two boxes have been placed to the left and right of the feet of the individual for convenience).

If the individual is sleeping on a bed, place a box on the ground below the bed level with its open side facing downwards. Place the other box facing upwards anywhere within the area marked by the boxes surrounding the individual (Do not place this box under the bed).

The Holy text also elaborates on aspects such as ‘How to place the boxes if of the two individuals sleeping side-by-side, one is not well ?’, ‘How to place the boxes when an unwell mother is sleeping with her healthy child ?’ etc.

3D 3. Performing box-remedies for protection from negative energy attacks when one individual without distress or more than one individual without distress are sleeping together

In this method, the open side of the boxes should be placed facing away from the body of the individual. As a result, the negative energy attacks from outside will get pulled into the void of the boxes, thus protecting the individual.

3D 3A. How to arrange the boxes when only one individual is sleeping ?
1. Arrange four boxes in four directions around the bed as shown ahead in a manner that the open side of each box faces away from the individual’s body.

A. Place a box near the individual’s head in a straight line with the body.

B. Place another box near the individual’s feet in a straight line with the body.

C. Place two more boxes approximately in the middle, one to the right and the other to the left of the individual.

2. Refer Point ‘3D 2A 4’ (See adjacent Fig.).


4. General duration of spiritual remedies
through empty boxes on ailments and increasing
the duration depending on the severity of the ailment

Perform remedies using empty boxes for approx-imately 1-2 hours daily. If even after performing these remedies for 1-2 hours. for some days the distress does not reduce or is not under control, increase the duration of the remedies.


5. General guidelines pertaining
to spiritual healing through empty boxes

5A. Guidelines to be followed while performing box-remedies

5A 1. In which direction should we sit for performing spiritual remedies ?

As far as possible, sit in the east-west direction. Under no circumstances should we face the south.

5A 2. Pray with bhav (Spiritual emotion) to the Upasyadevata (Deity of worship)

Pray thus – ‘O’ Deity … (Take the Name of your Upasyadevata) ! I pray unto Your Holy feet that may my ailment (Mention the name of the ailment) be subjected to spiritual remedies by Your grace and may I be cured at the earliest’.

5A 3. Perform spiritual remedies with bhav

It is said that God can be pleased with the bhav (of the devotee). Akashtattva in the boxes gets activated to a greater extent due to our bhav and helps in reducing our distress faster.

5A 3A. Acts to be performed to generate bhav during spiritual remedies

1. Pay obeisance and pray to the boxes with a bhav that God Himself is present in the boxes.

2. While performing spiritual remedies, have a bhav that ‘all the distressing covering around me and all the distressing energy inside me is being destroyed and I am imbibing Chaitanya (Divine consciousness)’.

5A 4. Express gratitude to the Upasyadevata after completion of remedies

Express gratitude thus – ‘O’ Deity … (Take the Name of your Upasyadevata), I could perform spiritual remedies only by Your grace. I express gratitude unto your Holy feet’.

5B. Other guidelines

5B 1. Purify the boxes used for spiritual remedies

Purify the boxes daily with the smoke of a sattvik incense-stick.

5B 2. Do this to retain the divinity in the void of the empty boxes.

A. Praying : Pray to Upasyadevata thus – ‘Let the void of the boxes remain active continuously at the level of Chaitanya’.

B. Waving an incense-stick : Wave an incense-stick intermittently around the void of the boxes and thus keep the divinity in them awakened at the action level.

– A Scholar (16.10.2007, 12.35 p.m.) (Sanatan’s Saint, Sadguru [Mrs] Anjali Gadgil’s writings are published under the pseudonym of ‘A Scholar’, ‘Gurutattva’ etc.)

Spiritual healing remedy of using empty boxes for curing ailments – Part 1

Spiritual healing remedy of using empty boxes for curing ailments – Part 2

2 thoughts on “Spiritual healing remedy of using empty boxes for curing ailments – Part 3”

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