Maharshis of the ancient times were knowledgeable about the past, present and future; hence, they knew of the future thousands of years ago. They have written it in Jivanadipattis that narrate the Nadi-bhavishya. Like the Maharshis, Saints also know what is going to happen in the future. Some times, Saints casually say what is going to happen after 10-12 years, and events do take place accordingly. This article briefly lists what Saints have said about the Incarnate mission of Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale.
(Late) H.H. Bejon Desai (Nashik, Maharashtra)
A. On 18.11.1995, soon after H.H. Bhaktaraj Maharaj renounced His body, H.H. Bejon Desai said to me, “Now your mission will expand with greater zeal.”
– Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale
B. In 1997-98, while talking to seekers in Nashik, H.H. Bejon Desai said, “You seekers have failed to identify Jayant. Each of His smiles is worth crores of Rupees. No one has recognised Him thus far; however, when He manifests, the entire earth will be shaken !”
– Mr. Sanjay Joshi (Pinguli, Kudal, Maharashtra, 10.4.2014)
(Late) H.H. Malati Aai (Miraj, Maharashtra)

Due to Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s mission that encompasses entire Bharat, the flag of Sanatan Dharma will flutter high with pride.
– (Late) H.H. Malati Aai (Miraj, District Sangli, Maharashtra, 19.5.2001)
(Through the medium of Sapatarshi Jivanadi reading No. 26, Maharshi had said, “In the coming times, Param Guruji (Paratpar Guru [Dr.] Athavale) will eliminate adharma [Unrighteousness] and establish Dharma [Righteousness]”. – Editor)
(Late) H.H. Tai Karve (Badalapur, Maharashtra)
A. Shrikrushna saying, ‘Once
Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale plays
the flute, lakhs of seekers will come to Sanatan’
‘Shrikrushna has been speaking to me since my childhood. I act as per His advice. Shrikrushna said to me, ‘The way Gopa-Gopis (Devotees of Shrikrushna) assemble when I play the flute, lakhs of seekers will be attracted towards Sanatan once Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale plays the flute that is in my hand”. In 2001, when Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale came to my Ashram, I gave Him the flute that was in the hands of Shrikrushna’s Idol in our Ashram and a medal with Shrikrushna’s image engraved on it.
B. Shrikrushna assuring,
‘I will come when the time is ripe’
I also gave Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale a watch. It was meant to be a symbolic message from Shrikrushna, ‘When the time is ripe, I will come’.
– (Late) H.H. Tai Karve (Badalapur, District Thana, Maharashtra 2.1.2002)
(Four years after H.H. Tai Karve gave the medal with Shrikrushna’s image to Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale, Sanatan’s seekers started chanting Shrikrushna’s Name. Ten years after H.H. Tai Karve gave Him the flute, lady-seekers who had bhav [Spiritual emotion] like the Gopis came to Ramnathi Ashram. Now, the time to establish the ‘Hindu Nation’ is ripe, and hence, we await the arrival of Shrikrushna. – Editor)
(Late) H.H. Shamrao Maharaj (Karle, Maharashtra)
Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale is going to accomplish a vast mission ! (In a talk with Sanatan’s seekers at Ratnagiri on 13.7.2002)
– (Late) H.H. Shamrao Maharaj (Karle, Kolhapur, Maharashtra)
Reference : Sanatan’s Holy text – ‘Brief introduction to the mission of Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale and words of praise from Saints’