1.1 Effect of the use of Darbha in the shraddha ritual
1.2 How should the Darbha be selected ?
1.3 Reason underlying the use of Darbha with roots in the shraddha
1.4 The reason underlying not plucking Darbha by hitting many times on it or cutting with the nails
4. Maka (leaf of Bhrungaraj and Tulasi)
The important and requisite components for the shraddha ritual are Darbha, Bhrungaraj leaf, Tulasi, black sesame, white rice, barley, honey, black gram, white fragrant flowers etc. Red coloured flowers are forbidden in the shraddha ritual as destroyer frequencies are emitted from them. Fruits like the Indian gooseberry (amla), pomegranate, musk melon (kharbuja) are specially used in the shraddha ritual.
1. Darbha

Darbha is a very important component in the shraddha ritual. Darbha generates radiance (Tej). When Darbha is used in the shraddha ritual, by the influence of the frequencies of Tej emitted by Darbha, the interference of raja-tama particles in each ritual of the shraddha is reduced. The deceased ancestors (Pitars) absorb the energy of a specific level from the ritual.
1.1 Effect of the use of Darbha in the shraddha ritual
The subtle air associated with the Tej particles in the Darbha is activated by the recitation of mantras of the shraddha ritual. This air attains momentum in the upward direction with the help of the Absolute Air Principle of the external atmosphere. With this the resolve made in the shraddha ritual becomes efficacious in lesser time.
1.2 How should the Darbha be selected ?
Do not use the Darbha fallen on the path, kept on the funeral pyre, laid on the ground of sacrificial fire, used as a seat or cover and used for pinda in a shraddha ritual, used in the Brahmayadnya or for the purpose of tarpan. Pluck only green Darbha which is grown on a clean ground. A shloka delineates about the selection of Darbha:
Meaning: For the purpose of shraddha of the Pitars, pluck the Darbha along with its root. The reason for this is that we can gain victory over the Pitruloka with the help of the root of the Darbha.
1.3 Reason underlying the use of Darbha with roots in the shraddha
The Water Principle-dominant particles of Tej in the Darbha with roots are conducive for disintegration of raja-tama particles. The energy emanating from the actions done with the Darbha with roots touches the subtle sheath of the Pitars in a shorter time. In addition to gaining victory on the Pitruloka, that is, causing disintegration of raja-tama particles at each level of Martyaloka (the subtle region of the dead), the Pitars also get the strength of Tej.
1.4 The reason underlying not plucking Darbha by hitting many times on it or cutting with the nails
The raja-tama-dominant sound frequencies generated by hitting many times on the Darbha or cutting it with the nails are spread in the Darbha, which reduces the sensitivity associated with sattva of the Darbha. The ability of the Tej Principle-dominant air emitted by the Darbha to move in the upward direction is also reduced. Hence, the proportion of benefit accrued from the shraddha ritual is reduced.
Following mantra is recited at the time of plucking the Darbha for shraddha
Reciting this mantra, face the north-east direction on the Amavasya of Bhadrapad as per Shaka Samvat or of Ashwin as per Vikram Samvat and say ‘Hum Phat’ and pluck the Darbha.
1.5 The reason underlying placing Darbha if a brahmin is not available, for the seat of Deity or the Pitars
Darbha represents all the components of inferior or superior level. Hence, in the absence of any specific component, Darbha can be installed at that place. The inherent Tej particles in the Darbha attract the superior frequencies of the Deities and the inferior frequencies of the Pitars as per requirement and invite them at the venue of the shraddha. The inherent air associated with the Tej Principle in the Darbha is activated by the with-resolve recitation of mantras of the shraddha. This activated Tej Principle is emitted by the Darbha. The negative energies are prohibited by the emitted Tej Principle from coming to the venue of the shraddha and the Pitars are attracted to that venue.
Due to the ability of the Darbha to attract the Principles of superior Deities, it is used as the smallest particles of Divine Consciousness (pavitrak) in each ritual of worship.
2. Black sesame seeds

Black sesame seeds
Using black sesame seeds in the shraddha means invoking the deceased ancestors (Pitars) trapped in the Martyaloka with the help of the raja-tama frequencies emitted from the black sesame seeds. The recitation of mantras in the shraddha has an effect on the black sesame seeds. The dormant raja-tama energy in black sesame seeds is awakened as a result of the sound energy generated by the recitation of mantra. This energy is emitted into the environment in the spiral form of raja-tama vibrations.
At that time, according to the invocation made in the shraddha, subtle bodies of particular Pitars are attracted towards these vibrations and enter Earth's environment. In this process, with help of the raja-tama frequencies emitted from the black sesame seeds, reaching the place of shraddha ritual becomes easier for the subtle bodies of Pitars.
Black sesame seeds are showered at the place of the shraddha by the host. Due to the frequencies of Pitars getting attracted towards the black sesame seeds, the place of the shraddha becomes charged with the Pitar frequencies.
The Desire sheath present around the subtle bodies gets activated due to the frequencies emitted from the black sesame seeds and the Pitars get satiated by partaking their portion of shraddha in air form. In shraddha, water containing black sesame seeds charged with mantras (Tilodaka) has special spiritual importance.
The copper platter contains charged Tilodaka. Money to be offered to the Brahmin (dakshina), leaf of Bhrungaraj, Sandalwood, flower and beetle nut are placed in it. The momentum of subtle Pitar frequencies increases due to the black sesame seeds in the Tilodaka. As a result, a whirlpool with attraction energy is generated. The subtle body is attracted towards this whirlpool. Thus, the subtle body attracted towards the whirlpool with attraction energy formed from the Pitar frequencies having momentum enters the Earth region. The change occurring at spiritual level during performance of ritual is a feature of spiritual practice of rites, rituals and observances performed at the physical level (Karmakand) prescribed by Hindu Dharma.
3. Akshat
After the host pays obeisance to the Dev-brahman and Pitru-brahman, the brahmins bless the host by showering unbroken rice (akshat) on him. Unbroken rice should be used as akshat. In the shraddha ritual barley is also used. White unbroken rice is used if barley is not available.

4. Maka (leaf of Bhrungaraj and Tulasi)
Bhrungaraj |
Tulasi |
At the time of shraddha some of the Pitars coming to Earth are not satiated. Due to the unsatisfied desires of these Pitars, polluted air or speed of emission of subtle frequencies generated from tamasic object increases. Due to the speed of these frequencies, tamasic energy is generated. Movement of raja-tama particles gains momentum. To restrain this momentum, these two substances, maka, that is, leaf of Bhrungaraj and Tulasi are used.
Features of maka
Usage | Benefit | |
Bhrungaraj leaf | Worship of Pitars | Endowing Tej |
Tulasi | Worship of Deities | Endowing vital energy |
The Tej frequencies emitted into the atmosphere by Bhrungaraj leaf restrain the momentum of raja-tama particles generated from the unsatisfied desires of the Pitars. The frequencies of Chaitanya of ShriKrushna principle emitted from the Tulasi leaves easily destroy raja-tama particles. Thus Bhrungaraj leaf and Tulasi complement each other in purifying the atmosphere. Due to this purity, entering the place of shraddha becomes easy for the Pitars.
Steps in the restriction of the momentum of the raja-tama particles by Bhrungaraj leaf
A) Slowing of momentum of raja-tama particles. The energy of attraction generated in the raja-tama particles disintegrates due to the Tej frequencies emitted from the Bhrungaraj leaf.
B) Division of raja-tama particles. Due to the Tej frequencies emitted from the Bhrungaraj leaf, the ability of the raja-tama particles to function collectively reduces.
विवाह के समय बॅालिवुड के कुसंगीत को (अत्यधिक ध्वनि में) बजाना अधार्मिक ही नहीं अपितु आसुरी प्रवृत्ति का द्योतक है।
विवाह एक सोला संस्कारोसे है।
जीसमे दो अनभिज्ञ जीव जीवनभर साथ निभानेके अतिरिक्त परमेश्वर प्राप्ती हेतू साधना एवं संसार को विधिलिखित बंधनोमे आगे बढाने का संकल्प “सात फेरो”के साथ संकल्प करते है।
यह सब ईश्वर लिखित और उसकी इच्छा बिना संभव नही?
यदी बंधन अध्यात्मिक है,हिंदू संस्कृती के अनुरूप है,तो ‘पाश्चात्य’भोगवादी संगीत उचित नही।
‘धर्म की जय हो,अधर्म का नाश हो’।