Uttarpuja (Uttaravahan) of Shri Ganapati Idol

Uttarpuja (Uttaravahan)
A. Ritual
This puja should be performed before immersing the Shri Ganapati Idol in natural water sources on an auspicious day and hour (as is the family tradition). The worship should be performed as described below –
Sandalwood paste, flowers, dhoop, lamps, as well as curds, rice, modaks for naivedya should be readied prior to the puja.
The worshipper must first apply a tilak of kumkum to his forehead. This is followed by achaman twice (the ritual is explained in the complete puja) and the recitation of the sankalpa.
श्री सिद्धिविनायकदेवता-प्रीत्यर्थम् उत्तराराधनं करिष्ये ।
तदङ्गत्वेन गन्धादिपञ्चोपचारपूजनमहं करिष्ये ।
श्री सिद्धिविनायकाय नमः । ध्यायामि ।
shrI siddhivinAyakadevatA-prItyartham uttarArAdhanaM kariShye |
tada~Ngatvena gandhAdipa~nchopachArapUjanamahaM kariShye |
shrI siddhivinAyakAya namaH | dhyAyAmi |
(Now, I pay obeisance to Shri Ganapati.)
1. Chandan (Apply sandalwood paste)
श्री सिद्धिविनायकाय नमः । विलेपनार्थे चन्दनं समर्पयामि ।।
shrI siddhivinAyakAya namaH | vilepanArthe chandanaM samarpayAmi ||
Apply sandalwood paste.
ऋद्धिसिद्धिभ्यां नमः । हरिद्रां कुङ्कुमं समर्पयामि ॥
RRiddhisiddhibhyAM namaH | haridrAM ku~NkumaM samarpayAmi ||
Pray to Riddhi-Siddhi and offer kumkum-turmeric powder to the idol’s holy feet.
2. Flowers and leaves
श्रीसिद्धिविनायकाय नमः । ऋतुकालोद्भवपुष्पाणि समर्पयामि ।।
shrIsiddhivinAyakAya namaH | RRitukAlodbhavapuShpANi samarpayAmi ||
3. Waving dhoop or incense stick
श्री सिद्धिविनायकाय नमः । धूपं समर्पयामि ।।
shrI siddhivinAyakAya namaH | dhUpaM samarpayAmi ||
4. Waving lit ghee lamp
श्री सिद्धिविनायकाय नमः । दीपं समर्पयामि ।।
shrI siddhivinAyakAya namaH | dIpaM samarpayAmi ||
5. Offering naivedya
श्री सिद्धिविनायकाय नमः । नैवेद्यं समर्पयामि ।।
shrI siddhivinAyakAya namaH | naivedyaM samarpayAmi ||
The method of offering naivedya is explained in the detailed puja article. Depending on the familial practices, Arti, circumambulation and namaskar are offered after this.
Then say the following.
अनेन कृतपूजनेन श्री सिद्धिविनायकः प्रीयताम् ।
anena kRRitapUjanena shrI siddhivinAyakaH prIyatAm |
Release water from the palm of the right hand into the tamhan while saying ‘प्रीयताम्’
Recite following mantra thereafter.
प्रीतो भवतु । तत्सत् ब्रह्मार्पणमस्तु ।
prIto bhavatu | tatsat brahmArpaNamastu |
Take akshata in right hand and recite following mantra to asking the Deities to accept the puja and return to their abode so that they can return.
यान्तु देवगणा: सर्वे पूजामादाय पार्थिवात् ।
इष्टकामप्रसिध्द्यर्थं पुनरागमनाय च ।।
yAntu devagaNA: sarve pUjAmAdAya pArthivAt |
iShTakAmaprasidhdyarthaM punarAgamanAya cha ||
Everyone should offer akshata on Shri Ganapati’s hand. Finally move the Idol a little with the right hand. This concludes the uttarpuja. The idol must now be immersed in a natural water body.