Take darshan of Nandi before that of Shiva pindi
Hindu Dharma prescribes that one must have darshan of Nandi by touching both its horns, before having darshan of the Shiva pindi in a Shiva temple. This is known as Shrungadarshan. One should sit or stand to the right side of Nandi and place left hand on Nandi’s testicles. Then place the forefinger (the finger next to the thumb) and the thumb on the two horns of Nandi. Now, view the linga (Deity Shiva’s sacred symbol) through the frame thus created by the finger, thumb and the horns. This is the correct way of doing Shrungadarshan.
Video of Shrungadarshan (Playlist of 25 videos)
1. Sagun (Materialised) destroyer waves of Shiva Principle emitting from the horns of the Nandi cause disintegration of the Raja-Tama particles in the body of the individual, thereby increasing the sattvikta of the individual
By touching the horns of Nandi, waves related to the Pruthvi-tattva (Absolute Earth Principle) and Apa-tattva (Absolute Water Principle), are transmitted to the body of the individual through the hands.
Nandi is a symbol of the marak-shakti (Destroyer energy) of Deity Shiva. The sagun marak waves emitting from the horns of the Nandi cause disintegration of the Raja-Tama particles, helping to increase the sattvikta of the individual. This helps the individual in tolerating the energy waves emitting from the Shivalinga. Otherwise, these energies can create discomfort in the form of numbness of the head, tremors in the body etc.
– A Scholar (Through the medium of Mrs. Anjali Gadgil, 17th January 2005, 2.27 p.m.)
2. ‘By touching Nandidev’s horns with the thumb and forefinger, the flow of Shakti (Divine energy) from Shivapindi gets activated in a larger proportion
The mudra (Posture of the hand) created by touching Nandidev’s horns with the thumb and forefinger bestows additional spiritual benefit to the devotee. It is common knowledge that when air is released through a pipe, its speed and intensity are more; whereas, the air from a fan spreads in all directions. The mudra acts like a pipe. The flow of Shakti from the Shivapindi is activated in a larger proportion due to the mudra.
With this mudra, the vibrations of Shakti spread throughout the body. – Ms. Priyanka Lotlikar, Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Goa.
Subtle-picture showing of Shrungadarshan
Devotee with an average spiritual level should
take darshan by standing on one side of the Idol of Nandi

Do not stand or sit between the pindi and the Idol of Nandi while having darshan, but stand on the side of the Idol of Nandi while having darshan.’ – A Scholar (Through the medium of Mrs. Anjali Gadgil, 17th January 2005, 2.27 p.m.)
Picture based on subtle-knowledge showing effects of taking darshan of Shivapindi by standing in between Nandi and Shivapindi

A. Accuracy of the picture based on subtle-knowledge: 6%
B. Positive vibrations in the picture based on subtle-knowledge: 2% – H.H. Dr. Athavale (Sanatan’s source of inspiration)
C. Proportion of vibrations
Vibrations | Standing beside Nandi | Standing between Nandi and the Shivapindi |
Chaitanya | 2 | – |
Shakti | 2.25 (Mild energy complementary to the person) | 2 (Strong energy which is intolerable for the person) |
D. Other points
1. Since Deity Shiva and Shrivishnu are superior Deities, Shakti is emitted in a higher proportion through their Idols.
2. Due to the waves of manifest Shakti emanating directly from Deity Shiva, heat is generated in an average person’s body and this adversely affects him: When a person has darshan of the Shivapindi by standing between the Shivapindi and Nandi, his body is hit by the waves of manifest Shakti emitted by the Shivapindi. An average person (with a low spiritual level) cannot tolerate the waves of marak manifest Shakti. Consequently, heat is generated in his body, which affects him adversely.
3. Having darshan of the Shivapindi by standing beside Nandi, Shiva’s energy is converted into mild energy due to the Nandi and then it becomes possible to absorb it: Nandi seated in front of the Shivapindi converts the manifest Shakti into mild energy for the person. Therefore, having darshan of the Shivapindi by standing beside Nandi, makes it possible for the person to easily absorb the Shakti of the Shiva Principle.
4. Obstruction is created by the Raja-Tama components in the person in the flow of the waves of manifest Shakti emitted by the Shivapindi: Waves of manifest Shakti emitted by the Shivapindi are moving in a rhythm. An obstacle is created in their flow by the Raja- Tama components in the person and they start flowing unevenly. – Ms. Priyanka Lotlikar, Sanatan Sanstha (Nij Vaishakh Krushna 10, Kaliyug Varsh 5112 [7th June, 2010])