Look at His Holiness Rambhau Swami’s photo below and pay attention to what you perceive. Then proceed with reading of the article.

Answer to the spiritual puzzle
on H.H. Rambhau Swami’s photograph
Spiritual experiences
upon looking at the photograph of H.H. Rambhau Swami
Subtle-analysis of His Holiness Rambhau Swami
Below picture based on subtle-knowledge has been drawn by Saint, H.H. (Mrs.) Yoya Vallee. She is one of the few seekers who receives such knowledge because of her awakened sixth sense.
Uchchhishta Ganapati Yadnya
Meaning of the word ‘Uchchhishta’
Let us understand how the body temperature of the great Yogi His Holiness Rambhau Swami (also known as Fire Yogi) is maintained at normal even when He enters the Yadnyakund (sacrificial fire) while performing the Uchchhishta Ganapati Yadnya.
Special Research by Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay
1. Observations of ‘Uchchhishta Ganapati Yadnya’ made by Mini RayTemp digital thermometer on 17.1.2016
(Temperature of an individual or a thing can be measured by Mini RayTemp digital thermometer even from a distance of 4 feet.)
Note : The temperature is measured by the equipment from a distance of 4 feet from the Yadnyakund and the shawl. This equipment is not meant to measure the temperature in direct contact with the body. Therefore, the temperature of the shawl is measured.
2. Narration
When the temperature inside the Yadnyakund was 146.5 °C, the temperature of the shawl worn by H.H. Swamiji when He offered Himself in the Yadnya as an oblation was 39.5 °C. Due to the spiritual powers of H.H. Swamiji, the temperature of His shawl has not increased despite the extremely high temperature in the Yadnyakund.
This is a rare example of inability of Yadnya fire to scorch the body of a Saint due to His sadhana (Spiritual practice). This can happen only due to sadhana. In Shrimadbhagwat, there is an example of devotee Pralhad remaining unscathed in the burning fire due to God’s grace. While witnessing H.H. Rambhau Swami remaining unscathed in a burning Yadnyakund, it is proved that the examples narrated in the Hindu scriptures are not myths.
Spiritual reason why the fire is not able to touch H.H. Swamiji
H.H. Rambhau Swami possesses more of Tejtattva (Absolute Fire Principle) than the fire itself. Therefore, the fire cannot touch Him even slightly and His clothes, atleast not on a large scale.
– Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Jayant Athavale
Appeal to scientists, individuals who are knowledgeable about Yadnyas and students taking education in this subject to carry out research from a scientific perspective
During the Uchchhishta Ganapati Yadnya, H.H. Rambhau Swami offers oblations in the fire. At that time, the Tejtattva (Absolute Fire Principle) manifests in the fire, and He actually sees the form of Deity Agni. H.H. Rambhau Swami offers Himself as oblation while the fire is burning in the Yadnyakund.
1. H.H. Rambhau Swami does not feel the heat of the fire. Neither does He get scorched nor does He suffer any injury. What is the scientific reason for this phenomenon ?
2. Similarly, the clothes or shawl worn by Him do not catch fire even when He enters the fire. However, the same shawl catches fire as soon as it is held in another source of fire. What is the scientific reason for this phenomenon ?
3. H.H. Rambhau Swami has not had water since 1975. Since 1977, His diet includes only two bananas and a glass of milk once a day. When He performs a Yadnya, He does not consume anything except a glass of milk in the night. What is the scientific reason for His good health even at the ripe age of 78 years ?
4. What and how far is the effect of the smoke of the Yadnya performed by H.H. Rambhau Swami ?
We will be grateful if we get assistance in this regard from researchers in the related scientific fields.
– Administrator, Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Ponda, Goa.
(Contact : Mr. Rupesh Redkar; E-mail : [email protected])