‘On Chaitra Shukla Pratipada, I had darshan of (saw) the birthplace of Shrikrushna in Mathura and of Shri Lakshminarayan at Jaipur on the day of Ramnavami. With the beautiful clothes and ornaments, Bhagawan looked very radiant with Shrilakshmi. I offer this picture at the Holy feet of H.H. Dr Athavale (Sanatan’s source of inspiration)’. (26.4.2013)
1. Circumstances that led to drawing the picture

1 A. While on a tour, introversion, bhav (Spiritual emotion) of surrender
& prayers increased and I got the opportunity to imbibe God’s Chaitanya
My husband organised a tour of Mathura, Vrundavan and Jaipur (holy places for pilgrimage in Hinduism). I was wondering if it was appropriate to go on a tour when lot of seva was pending; however, later, I perceived that it was all God’s planning. The samashti (social) seva I was performing had increased my ego unknowingly. Due to a sense of doership in myself, I felt that my presence in Chennai (India) was very necessary to perform sevas; however, later, I realised that in my absence, various sevas were being performed in a much better way. Through the tour, God brought to my notice that no one was needed for spreading Dharma and it was done just through His sankalpa (Energy of resolve). While performing samashti seva, I was lagging behind in vyashti sadhana (Individual spiritual practice that benefits only the seeker undertaking it). I was paying more attention to the task than my own sadhana (Spiritual practice). Therefore, compassionate and embodiment of maternal love, H.H. Dr Athavale, instead of punishing me, sent me on a tour and enhanced my introversion. He gave me the opportunity to enhance my bhav of surrender and prayers and imbibe God’s Chaitanya.
While in Mathura, my chanting was continuous. After God’s darshan awakening of my bhav and prayers increased progressively. I express my gratitude for making me aware of my ego and giving me the opportunity, though small, to surrender completely at the Holy feet of God and to participate in the mission of reinstating Dharma.
1 B. Awakening of bhav upon perceiving that in Kaliyug,
Bhagawan Shrikrushna with all the gopis has shifted His residence to Ramnathi
When I was in Vrundavan and Mathura, I kept thinking of samashti Radha Bindatai (Sanatan’s 30th Saint H.H. (Mrs) Binda Singbal) and Sanatan’s gopis (Milkmaid devotees of Bhagawan Shrikrushna). When I perceived that in Kaliyug, Bhagawan Shrikrushna with all the gopis has shifted His residence to Ramnathi, my bhav awakened.’
– Mrs Uma Ravichandran, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. (21.4.2013)
2. Letter written by Mrs Uma Ravichandran to Shrikrushna
‘O Dear God !
2 A. Getting to experience the existence of the self with God
during the time of His birth and in various incidents after His birth
You gave me darshan at Mathura, Vrundavan and Jaipur. You allowed me to experience Your birth in the form which wielded a conch, a chakra and a mace, along with Your mother Devaki and father Nanda. When You were taking the form of a radiant, blue infant as per the wishes of Your parents, I could experience Your soft body like petals of a rose. When Nanda was carrying You to Gokul at night, You made me walk with him in the briskly-flowing water of River Yamuna. I could also experience the stormy, black night when Adishesh (A snake with 1000 heads who acts as the couch of Shrivishnu) protected You like an umbrella.
2 B. Experience of indescribable Anand from God’s Divine play of lifting Govardhan
Mountain and being stunned upon seeing vanquishing of Kaliya the serpent King
When Indra flew into a rage, I was frightened. O God ! When you easily lifted Govardhan Mountain on Your small finger and used it as an umbrella, my Anand knew no bounds. I was stunned by Your victory over the serpent King Kaliya and the subsequent dance on its hood.
2 C. Bhav-enriched experiences in the Vrundavan,
Banke Bihari Temple and ISKCON’s Shrikrushna Temple
You fully drenched me with the devotion of gopis in Vrundavan. You gave me the experience of madhurabhakti of Mira in Banke Bihari Temple. In the ISKCON’s Shrikrushna Temple, when a bhav-enriched bhajan (Devotional song) was being played, I forgot my body-awareness and danced with you in the rasleela through the subtle.
2 D. Perception that God showered devotion by sending mangoes to the lady-seeker
O God ! By sending mangoes (Note) now, You have showered upon me the sweet flavour of devotion. O God ! What have I done to be worthy of the shower of Your grace ? O God ! Let me be able to merge with the dust under Your Holy feet.’
– A particle of dust under God’s Holy feet, Uma (Mrs Uma Ravichandran, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. [28.4.2013])
Note : In April 2013, H.H. Dr Athavale sent mangoes to Mrs Uma from Ramnathi Ashram.