2. Sweet memory of H.H. Dr Athavale that He is Madhuradhipati, Jaganmata, Jagatpita identical to Shrikrushna, and this remembrance led to a bhav-enriched picture

Madhuradhipati – Epitome of sweetness
Jaganmata – Mother of the world
Jagatpita – Father of the world
2 A. Circumstances that led to drawing of the picture
1. When the lady-seeker read the paragraph in the biography of H.H. Dr Athavale purporting that ‘Every aspect of H.H. Dr Athavale is as sweet as Shrikrushna’, she remembered her Divine meeting with H.H. Dr Athavale during the 2nd ‘All India Hindu Convention’
‘While reading Sanatan’s Holy text in Marathi ‘Paratpar Guru Param Pujya Dr Athavale yanchi vaishishtye ani karya (Sankshipt olakh)’ I read the following paragraph – ‘As described in ‘Madhurashtak’ on Shrikrushna, every action of H.H. Dr Athavale (Sanatan’s source of Inspiration) such as His smile, speech, gait, seeing, movements are all Divine and Anand bestowing’. Upon reading this, I instantly went into a nostalgic state of His Divine meeting.
2. When devout Hindus from Tamil Nadu were introduced to H.H. Dr Athavale, He asked, “Have you told them to perform sadhana ?”, and upon realising that she was unsuccessful in making efforts as expected by Him, she became tearful
When I introduced devout Hindus from Tamil Nadu to H.H. Dr Athavale, He asked a devout Hindu, “Have you begun performing sadhana ?” The devout Hindu replied, “I do not know anything about sadhana.” H.H. Dr Athavale instantly asked me in a sweet voice and jokingly, “What Mrs Uma ! Have you not told them about sadhana ?” The moment I heard these words, I became tearful. Instead of being aware that H.H. Dr Athavale had scolded me, I intensely became aware that ‘I have failed to make efforts as per His expectations’. At that instant, I felt that my life is useless.
(How many seekers have such sensitivity and yearning ? Mrs Uma is progressing only due to these qualities. – Dr Athavale)
3. Instead of getting carried away by the kind and sweet words of H.H. Dr Athavale, who is the mother as well as the father of the world, the lady-seeker perceived that H.H. Dr Athavale gave her the inspiration to bring His words into reality and progress spiritually
Even an ordinary mother cannot tolerate a single tear of her child, then how will H.H. Dr Athavale, who is the mother as well as the father of the world, be able to see tears of a seeker ! H.H. Dr Athavale consoled me smiling like a loving mother who takes great care of her child. He said, “Do not worry. You must have told them; however, I must not have heard you correctly”. I do not know how many years of rigorous penance I must have performed to hear these sweet words; yet, it is His wish that I do not get carried away by His kind and sweet words and by putting them into practice, progress spiritually. Therefore, it is entirely He, who has inspired me to draw these pictures.
After this spiritual experience of awakening of bhav (Spiritual emotion), I read the next paragraph in the biography. It said – ‘From His actions and speech, each seeker learns something new in every meeting with Him. If the special features of speech, action, thoughts etc. in the spiritual experiences with Him were to be compiled, there would be a new Holy text every week’.
O God ! Your speech is sweet, your scolding is sweet, your smile is sweet. O the epitome of sweetness ! Every aspect of Yours is sweet !’
– Mrs Uma Ravichandran, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. (21.6.2013)
2 B. Special feature of the picture
‘Krutadnyatabhav (Spiritual emotion of gratitude), balakbhav (Childlike spiritual emotion), artabhav (Intense yearning) and yachakbhav (Spiritual emotion of a beseecher) expressed through devotion and constant contemplation on God and the flavour of sweetness are proceeding towards bhav of total surrender.’ – (Divine Knowledge received through the medium of Ms Madhura Bhosale, 18.7.2013, 10.50 p.m.)
3. Establishment of Sanatan’s (Ramnathi) Ashrambetween Shri Shantadurga Temple and Shri Ramnath Temple is not a coincidence; Bhagawan Shrikrushna has selected this place for the mission of reinstating Dharma with His desire and resolve

3 A. Circumstances that led to drawing of the picture
1. Sanatan’s Ashram at Ramnathi is actually Vaikuntha on earth – A place where Bhagawan Shrikrushna Himself resides
‘At the time of the two ‘All India Hindu Conventions’, I used to walk from Shri Shantadurga Temple to Sanatan’s Ashram and from Sanatan’s Ashram to Shri Ramnath Temple daily. While inhaling the pure air of the morning, the environment would transport me to a Divine world. The moment I would see Sanatan Ashram enroute, I would get goosebumps and would feel that I was looking at Vaikuntha on earth, where Bhagawan Shrikrushna Himself resides.
2. Perceiving that Deity Shiva is residing in Shri Ramnath Temple and was protecting the seekers by destroying negative energies with His trident
When I looked at the hill in front of the Ashram, I visualised the Govardhan Mountain which Shrikrushna had easily lifted on His little finger and He reminded me that I should participate in His mission. While returning home (to Chennai) from the Ashram, I wanted to carry home whatever Chaitanya (Divine Consciousness) I could; hence, I took a deep breath, tried to imbibe the Chaitanya and then proceeded to Shri Ramnath Temple, the venue of the Convention. Upon reaching there, I felt that Deity Shiva was residing in Shri Ramnath Temple and was protecting the seekers by destroying the negative energies with His trident. Thus, He was inspiring them to progress towards establishing the ‘Hindu Nation’.
3. Sanatan’s Ashram (Hermitage) was selected by Bhagawan Shrikrushna Himself for reinstating Dharma; Shri Shantadurgadevi and Deity Shiva were protecting the seekers from the attacks of negative energies and thus assisting in the mission of H.H. Dr Athavale
I realised that it was not a mere coincidence that Sanatan’s Ashram was established between Shri Shantadurga Temple and Shri Ramnath Temple. With His desire and resolve, Bhagawan Shrikrushna has selected this place as His residence for the mission of reinstating Dharma. Shri Shantadurga is taking care of the seekers with maternal love and Deity Shiva is protecting the seekers from the attacks of negative energies. In this manner, the Deities are assisting in the mission of H.H. Dr Athavale.
By sanctifying the entire environment with their existence, Shri Shantadurga and Deity Shiva (Deity Ramnath) are creating an appropriate place in the form of Sanatan’s Ashram for the residence of Shrikrushna. O God ! I have the insatiable urge to merge into your Lotus feet.’
– Mrs Uma Ravichandran, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. (27.7.2013)