1. Embracing Shrikrushna tightly for obtaining Divine Particles (Note)

Note – Seekers are obtaining Divine Particles. The Divine Particles are a result of congregation of Chaitanya (Divine Consciousness). Their circumference is 0.5 mm or less, and they shine when observed in light. Seekers are able to see Divine auras around them. They are God-made; the seekers obtain them due to their qualities such as bhav (Spiritual emotion), faith and yearning. These Divine Particles give various spiritual experiences to seekers such as elimination of physical ailments, getting vital energy, feeling energetic, elimination of spiritual distress, experiencing Chaitanya etc.
2. Shower of gifts on Sanatan’s seekers by Bhagawan Shrikrushna

‘Upon reading the articles titled ‘Dr Vasant Athavale (H.H. Dr Athavale’s (Sanatan’s source of inspiration) elder brother) reaches Sainthood’ and ‘Divine Particles’ in the Monthly ‘Sanatan Prabhat’, I felt a lot of gratitude. Bhagawan Shrikrushna has been showering grace on Sanatan’s seekers through the medium of Divine gifts such as appearance of ‘Om’ on H.H. Athavale’s body and at various places in Sanatan Ashrams (Hermitages), seekers across the country and abroad finding Divine Particles, obtaining knowledge from God, getting Divine fragrance & most importantly, moulding Sanatan’s seekers into Saints. We cannot repay this debt merely by expressing gratitude; we have only one alternative & that is completely surrendering at Bhagawan Shrikrushna’s Holy feet.’
– Mrs Uma Ravichandran, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. (2.1.2013)