4. While a video shooting of me drawing a picture depicting balakbhav was going on, I did not wear my spectacles and despite being unable to see clearly, I could draw a picture peacefully; although I had no idea about the subject, a picture of Shrikrushna having lifted me was drawn automatically

‘A video shooting of me drawing a picture depicting balakbhav (Childlike spiritual emotion) was scheduled for 15.9.2012. I was handed a paper and a pencil and told to sit in a comfortable posture for drawing a picture. I sat and began to draw a picture; however, since I did not wear my spectacles, I could not see clearly. Yet, my mind was absolutely peaceful; I was experiencing this state for the first time. I completed the picture in the same state.
Normally, I know what I will be drawing in advance itself and only then draw it; but this time around, I did not have the slightest idea of what I was drawing till the picture was complete. It was upon completing the picture I realised that Shrikrushna had lifted me high with His hands in this picture. I realised that He showed me how high my state had gone through this picture that He himself had drawn.’
– Mrs Uma Ravichandran, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
5. This is testimony that the picture exhibiting balakbhav drawn during the video shooting was actually drawn by Shrikrushna Himself and the lady-seeker was looking at it with surprise

‘This is the picture of the spiritual experience I had in the audio-video section in Sanatan’s Ramnathi Ashram (Hermitage). I testify that the picture exhibiting balakbhav drawn at the time of video shooting without wearing spectacles was drawn by Shrikrushna Himself and I am looking at it with surprise.’ – Mrs Uma Ravichandran, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
5 A. Special feature of the picture
‘The sadhana (Spiritual practice) of seeker-artist through this art is taking place with the bhav (Spiritual emotion) of surrender and without any sense of doership, and hence, the lady-seeker perceived that the artist is not emotionally involved in the karma of this sadhana, but is detached from it.
As per one quote of Saint Dnyaneshwar – ‘This has happened because of me; but I have not done it’, the spiritually inclined act of drawing a picture was performed by Shrikrushna. The lady-seeker does not have doership; as a result, she is detached from the karma of drawing the picture and hence, she experiences that Shrikrushna is sitting beside her and watching her sketch the picture. Simultaneously, there is intense awareness from within that ‘I neither have the talent to draw, nor can I independently do something’ & awakening of bhav of praise that ‘How beautiful and unique is God’s creation’. It generated waves of surprise in her mind and was expressed through her eyes.’
(Divine Knowledge received through the medium of Ms Madhura Bhosale, 18.7.2013, 10.50 p.m.)
6. Picture depicting ‘Shrikrushna Himself is actually standing there to get His picture drawn’

6 A. With a desire to draw a picture of a Deity just as
H.H. Anuradha Wadekar (Sanatan’s 12th saint) had drawn,
upon requesting Shrikrushna to stand, He happily stood in the form of Shrivishnu
‘I drew this picture with inspiration from H.H. Anu (Sanatan’s Saint Pujya Anuradha Wadekar). A few years ago, H.H. Anu had a feeling that Shri Durgadevi had manifested in front of her and stood for 5 hours to get the picture made. I used to often wonder about this incident. I also wanted to draw such a picture of Shrikrushna. Hence, I said to Him, ‘O Shrikrushna ! I want to draw Your picture. Please stand in front of me just for half an hour …’. Shrikrushna very happily and instantly stood in front of me in the form of Shrivishnu with His adornments of a conch, chakra and a mace. While He is standing in front of me seriously, I am leisurely lying down on my stomach & drawing His Divine picture.’- Mrs Uma Ravichandran, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.