1. Atmanivedan before H.H. Dr Athavale, Sagun (Materialised) form of Shrikrushna

When I was experiencing physical and mental distress, I drew the picture given ahead. While drawing it, I felt calm and peaceful. – Mrs Uma Ravichandran, Chennai. (1.8.2012)
Atmanivedan – Conversation with God through an emotion of surrender
2. While seeking forgiveness of Shrikrushna, the lady-seeker begs for her to be accepted

O Shrikrushna ! I seek forgiveness at Your Holy feet. I have lost count of how many mistakes I have committed so far; however, You are aware of everything. To me, You are my parent, Guru and everything. For all the mistakes I have committed, in a way it is only You who are responsible. When I was committing so many mistakes, You were never displeased with me. I am surrendering unto Your Holy feet. O God ! Please accept me. – Mrs Uma Ravichandran, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. (28.8.2012)
A. Shriguru making the lady-seeker aware that ‘Offering our personality defects and ego at the Holy feet of Shrikrushna amounts to offering thorns to Him and they may prick Him’
After I sent the aspects of my balakbhav (childlike emotion) to Shriguru, He published a message for seekers in ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’, which said that ‘Offering our personality defects and ego at the Holy feet of Shrikrushna amounts to offering thorns to Him and they may prick Him’. While seeking forgiveness, I was offering the thorns in the form of my personality defects and ego to Shrikrushna; but I realised that Shriguru was concerned that I should not commit such a mistake. He made me aware of my mistake immediately. – Mrs Uma Ravichandran, Chennai. (28.8.2012)
B. Distinctive features of the picture
1. To demonstrate that God, who is sitting on the throne, is following the Path of Rajayoga (Path of God-realisation, by following eight steps of spiritual practice described by Sage Patanjali), He is shown wearing anklets
‘In this picture, God is shown wearing anklets. He is sitting on the throne and hence, to prove His Rajayoga, He is shown wearing ornaments. In other pictures, those exhibiting Kshatrabhav (Spiritual emotion of a warrior) or other types of bhav (Spiritual emotion) such as vatsalya (Affection), karuna (Compassion), no ornaments are shown on the feet, or in some pictures, metal rings are shown.
2. Perceiving that the knees of the lady-seeker exhibiting balakbhav have bowed with humility in front of Shrikrushna, when she sought forgiveness
I perceived that the knees of the ladyseeker exhibiting balakbhav have bowed with humility in front of Shrikrushna when she sought forgiveness. The lady-seeker has also depicted beautifully the ‘bowing at the knees with humility’ through the petticoat. Even distinguished artists find it difficult to depict bhav through a component veiled by a cloth; however, the lady-seeker, with the blessings of God, has demonstrated that it is possible.
– H.H. (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil, Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Goa. (12.9.2012)