1. Playing hide-and-seek with Shrikrushna

A. Explanation of the picture
1. While playing hide-and-seek with Shrikrushna, hiding under Shriguru’s table and requesting Shrikrushna in the form of Shriguru not to tell Shrikrushna about the hiding place
This picture has a small innocent girl (Me) who loves playing with Bhagawan Shrikrushna. While playing hide-and-seek with Shrikrushna, I am hiding under Shriguru’s table and requesting Shriguru not to reveal my hiding place to Shrikrushna. (In reality, I am innocently requesting Shrikrushna Himself, meaning, Shriguru, not to divulge my secret to Shrikrushna.) Bhagawan Shrikrushna spotted me easily; however, since He had merged with Shriguru, I could not find Him.
Ms Ranjani Premnath (Age 16 years), a child-seeker from Chennai who draws pictures of Shrikrushna, considers Him to be her friend, and opens her mind to Him. After seeing my pictures, she drew a picture of Shrikrushna playing hide-and-seek with her. Seeing her picture drawn with sakhyabhav (Spiritual emotion of a friend) towards Shrikrushna, I was inspired to draw this picture.
– Mrs Uma Ravichandran, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. (18.7.2013)
B. Distinctive feature of the picture
While the seeker is performing sadhana (Spiritual practice), God envelops it with sattvik Maya (Great Illusion) with the help of Yogamaya and thus plays a game of hide-and-seek with it. With the kindness of the Guru, the sattvik envelop of Maya is separated and we get the vision of God. When the Guru separates the cover of Gurumaya, the seeker gets the spiritual experience that ‘the Guru Himself is God’. Till he gets this spiritual experience, he considers God to be different from the Guru. When he gets this spiritual experience, the game of hide-and-seek between the seeker and Shiv ends in true sense, and he gets the complete vision of God.
Despite the best of sadhana, no seeker can get liberated from the bondage of God’s Yogamaya without the Guru’s grace and get the complete vision of God. Hence, every Saint and devotee has taken guidance from a Guru, performed sadhana and attained God-realisation. Bhagawan Shrikrushna is giving a message that there is none to save us except the Guru.
– Ms Madhura Bhosale
2. For Shrikrushna to pay attention to her, the childseeker is pretending to be angry

A. Explanation of the picture
For Shrikrushna to pay attention to her, the childseeker pretends to be angry, and Shrikrushna on his part, cajoles and pacifies her by giving His Sudarshan-chakra (Weapon used by Shrikrushna. Of all weapons, the Sudarshan chakra is the only one, which is constantly in motion) and Panchajanya conch.
B. State of bhav experienced by the lady-seeker while drawing the picture
On 6.8.2012, I experienced the following aspects :
1. I (3-year-old girl) am pretending to be angry with Shrikrushna so that He pays attention to me. I am aware that He is the Master of the universe; yet, I feel that He should play with me the whole day.
2. Bhagawan Shrikrushna read my mind and is flattering me. He is also giving me His Sudarshan-chakra and Panchajanya conch to play with.
3. I grab both the objects from His hand, and holding them close to my chest, I begin to run. He is chasing me.
4. I am experiencing intense Anand because God is playing with me the game of catching.’
– Mrs Uma Ravichandran, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.