1. Playing games with Bhagawan Shrikrushna in River Yamuna

A. Explanation of the picture
Since my arrival in USA, I regularly go for strolls along an eye-catching stream. (Mrs Uma had gone to visit her daughter in USA. – Compiler) I was inspired from within to draw this picture so that I could experience the existence of Shrikrushna continually. In this picture, I am actually in Gokul (Region where Shrikrushna spent His childhood) and am playing with Bhagawan Shrikrushna in the River Yamuna near Govardhan Mountain. – Mrs Uma Ravichandran, Chennai. (11.10.2012)
B. Distinctive feature of the picture
If we bathe our subtle-bodies with pure bhav (Spiritual emotion) in the river of devotion in the form of Yamuna, all our bodies will be purified, our body-awareness will be eliminated and we will attain the state of a child. God is pleased with an individual that dives in the ocean of devotion with the pure mind of balakbhav (childlike emotion), and manifests in the form of Chaitanya (Divine consciousness). He sprinkles Chaitanya-enriched water of grace on the individual and shares its Anand. This is how God dives in the ocean of Anand in the pure internal mind of the child-devotee with His devotee.
– Ms Madhura Bhosale, 18.7.2013
2. Dancing with Shrikrushna

A. Explanation of the picture
I am dancing with my God, oblivious of the nearby people, the circumstances and my own body. – Mrs Uma Ravichandran, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
B. Distinctive feature of the picture –
Dance and anklets share an unbreakable bond, and hence, only in this picture, the lady-seeker depicting balakbhav has been conspicuously shown wearing anklets
Dance and anklets share an unbreakable bond, and hence, Mrs Uma has shown the lady-seeker depicting balakbhav and dancing with Shrikrushna wearing anklets. In other pictures, the anklets are not shown so clearly. This means that while drawing the pictures, Mrs Uma picks up every thought of God very minutely, leading to an automatic in-depth contemplation of the subject, and the sketching of the circumstances has been done accordingly. – Mrs Anjali Gadgil, Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Goa. (12.9.2012)