Homeopathic and Biochemic remedies for eye problems

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Dr Pravin Mehta (Homeopathic Physician)

1. Homeopathic medicines for eye ailments

A. Strain on the eyes (due to stitching clothes, reading small font or prolonged working on computers), followed by headache, redness and inflammation of eyes. – Ruta 30 or 200

B. Sudden occurrence of sore eyes, heavy watery discharge from eyes causing swelling of eyelids, pain in eyes, increase in the pain in the night and in warm weather and feeling better in the open air. – Aconite 30.

C. Swelling of the eye due to a blow to the eye, blackening of the skin around the eye – Arnica 30

D. Swelling of the eyes without any watery discharge, redness of eyelids, enlarged pupils, increase in the distress at night – Belladonna 30

E. Pain in the eyes resulting in redness of eyes, burning, burning discharge, difficulty in opening the eyes, aggravation of pain after midnight, feeling bit of a relief after applying warm water compress – Arsenic Alb 30

F. Swelling of eyes with difficulty in opening them, pain akin to cuts, discharge of pus from the eyes – Mercurius Sol 30

G. Sore eyes, swelling and burning of the eyelids, constant discharge of water from the eyes, increase in constant discharge of water in the evening as well as while sitting in a room, feeling better in the dark and in the open air. – Euphrasia 6 or 30.

H. Double vision, swelling of pupils resulting in pain in the eyes – Gelsemium 30

I. Thick yellow coloured discharge from the eyes, eyelids sticking to each other after waking up in the morning, increase in the stickiness of eyelids after rubbing them, feeling better in the open air – Pulsatilla 6 or 30

J. Swelling of eyes due to a foreign object in the eyes – Silicea 30

2. Biochemic remedies (12 tissue salts) for eye ailments

A. Inflammation in any part of the eye, but absence of pus or discharge, pain in the eyes, aggravation of pain during the movement of eyes, burning of the eyes, redness of the eyes, feeling irritation in eyes as if grains of sand are present under the eyelids, blurred vision, blurring of letters while reading, stye on the lower eyelid of the right eye, feeling relief upon splash of cold water, dryness of eyes – Ferrum phos 6x

B. White, yellowish, greenish discharge from the eyes, feeling irritation in eyes as if grains of sand have entered the eyes, appearance of rashes on the cornea, formation of thin white layer on the tongue, cataract, not able to withstand bright light and constant flow of tears from the eyes – Kali Mur 6x

C. Blurred vision, feeling like sand or a foreign object is present in the eyes, swelling of the corners of the eyes, light intolerance and burning of the eyes – Kali Phos 6x

D. Yellowish scales on the eyelids, greenish yellow discharge from the eyes and formation of pus behind the cornea – Kali Sulph 6x

E. Drooping of eyelids, light intolerance, reduction in the size of the pupils, vision of colours, sparks in front of the eyes, fluttering of eyelids and double vision – Mag Phos 6x

F. Watery eyes, tension in the eye muscles, blisters on the cornea, sticky watery discharge from the eyes, discharge of water from the eyes due to stye, feeling better after a splash of cold water, stye on the right eye, glaucoma – Natrum Mur 6x

G. Inflammation of eyes, golden coloured, yellowish, creamy discharge from the eyes, eyelids sticking to each other in the morning, burning watery discharge from the eyes, heavy redness of eyes, blurred vision, feeling of appearance of curtain in front of the eyes, vision of sparks in front of the eyes – Natrum Phos 6x

H. Pain in the eyelids, yellowish appearance of conjunctiva, inflammation of eyes and burning watery discharge along with it, burning sensation at the edges of eyes – Natrum Sulph 6x

I. Swelling on the eyelids, in case of pus developed in the swelling, feeling better if hot water compress is used to drain out the pus, tendency of recurrence of swelling, occurrence of cataract as a result of taking medicines for stopping perspiration of the feet – Silicea 6x

J. Effective in blocking the growth of cataract, inflammation due to dry eyes in small children during teething, intolerance to light, corneal opacity – Calcarea Phos 6x

K. Ulceration of cornea, inflammation of eyes, thick white discharge from the eyes, feeling of foreign object in the eye – Calcarea Sulph 6x

L. Vision of sparks, opacity due to strain on the eyes, cataract – Calcarea fluor 6x

3. Dosage of medication

3A. Dosage of homeopathic medicines

2 drops of medicine with potency of 30 or 200, 3 times in a day or 3 pills 3 times in a day.

3B. Dosage of biochemic medicines

4 pills with a potency of 6x should be consumed 3 times in a day.

4. Preparing and storing medicated globules

4A. Storing medicines for a family of 7-8 members

1. 15 ml of medicine in liquid form.

2. Minimum 250 grams of blank globules of size 30 for preparing any medicine.

3. One dram plastic bottles.

4. Labels to mention the name of the medicine on the bottles.

5. 25 grams of biochemic medicines in pills form of 6x potency.

4B. Process of preparing the medicated globules

1. Clean one dram bottle and fill it with globules.

2. Pour 7 to 8 drops of the medicine that is needed into the bottle.

3. Close the lid of the bottle and shake it properly so that the medicine gets applied to all the globules and they become wet.

4. Write the name of the medicine and its potency on the label and stick it to the bottle.

5. Store the pills of the biochemic medicines in the bottles and write the name of the medicines on the labels and stick them on the bottles. There is no need to add any medicine drops into them.

5. How to take good care of our eyes ?

It is important to take care of your eyes to avoid unnecessary strain and the complications that arise from it. So some suggestions are given belo

A. While reading or writing, one should position the lamp to one’s left side or behind one’s sitting position. The light of the lamp should never directly fall on one’s eyes. Even during the day, do not let the sun rays fall directly on your eyes or on the computer screen or on the book being read.

B. Do not read or write in insufficient light, as well as under an extremely bright light, which will strain the eyes.

C. Do not read very small lettered or illegible writing.

D. One should not read while traveling in a high speed or shaky vehicle.

E. One should not read while lying down, while resting against a pillow and holding the book above one’s eyes. While reading, the book must always be kept below one’s eyesight.

F. Performing inversion postures such as headstand, and shoulder stand pose helps in making the eyes radiant.

G. In case of burning sensation in the eyes or if they have become red or tired due to boredom, close your eyes and lie down in Shavasana (Corpse pose). Then take a deep breath and look at the distant trees or distant object. Sprinkle cold water on your eyes, close your eyes and take rest.

H. Gently massage your head, ears, nose, neck, forehead, eyes, cheeks and the part of the throat below the chin. This will speed up the blood circulation and the eyes will remain healthy. One should perform this massage at least twice a week.

6. Specific exercises for eye care which can be performed while lying on the bed or while sitting or standing

A. Try to continuously look far off, on to the right side, left side, up and down as well as at all the four sides.

B. Blink your eyes very fast.

C. Blink the eyes alternately i.e., close one eyelid and blink the other one very fast.

D. Focus your eyes on the horizon and then rotate your eyeballs.

E. Sleep in the open air and while lying down, stare at the moon and stars in the sky till tears appear in the eyes.

F. Practice setting one’s sight at the trees, houses, electric poles situated at a long distance while walking. This helps in increasing radiance of our eyes.

Compiler : Dr Pravin Mehta (Homeopathic Physician), Sanatan Ashram, Devad, Panvel (11.3.2020)

Note : Medicines should ideally be taken only under the guidance of a physician. However, sometimes the patient is not in a condition to go to the doctor immediately. At times it is necessary to get medical aid immediately before going to the doctor, while sometimes after taking few medicines there is no need to go to the doctor. With this intent, few medicines are mentioned here which should be taken as preliminary treatment. If one does not feel better after taking these medicines, one should see a competent doctor without any delay.

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