Hanuman – a supreme warrior and prompt servitor of Shriram

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Deity Hanuman

Video of ritualistic worship performed on Hanuman jayanti

1. Revered by Chh. Shivaji Maharaj

An idol of mighty Hanuman holding a mace in His hand is seen at the main entrance of all the forts built by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. His soldiers too worshipped and admired Hanuman for his dutifulness, loyalty, service, and success. This gave them their warrior attitude and their ever ready state to go into battle.

2. Sant Tukaram’s prayers to Hanuman

Sant Tukaram, one of India’s greatest Saints from the Bhakti order, has humbly requested Deity Hanuman in one of His devotional hymns –

‘शरण शरण जी हनुमंता ।
तुज आलों रामदूता ।
काय भक्तीच्या त्या वाटा ।
मज दावाव्या सुभटा ।। – {Tukaram Gatha, Abhang 3286. Verse 1,2)

Implied Meaning : ‘O Hanuman, You are the servitor of  Shriram; therefore I surrender unto You. (Saint Tukaram is telling this twice in the actual hymn.) O mighty and bravest warrior, please show me the pathways of devotion’. Sant Tukaram praises Hanuman by addressing Him as ’Subhata’, meaning ‘the supreme warrior’.

3. Swami Vivekanand

Swami Vivekanand also used to impress the minds of His disciples by telling them about the life stories of Deity Hanuman.’

— Dr. (Mrs.) Sumedha Prabhakar Marathe (Monthly ‘Hitaguj’ (meaning beneficial), Volume 89, March 2012)

4. Devotion of Deity Hanuman unto Shriram as a servitor !

Hanumant (Deity Hanuman) considers Himself as a devout servant of Shriram. Hanuman is the epitome of devotion unto God as a servitor, which surpasses the Gaurishankar peak of the Himalayas. Hanuman does not desire for prosperity in any form. He does not even have any desire for Moksha (Final liberation). Being a devout servitor of Shriram is itself His supreme wealth. It is His only happiness, His supreme pleasure, His supreme bliss, and His supreme liberation.

Hanuman has limitless and firm devotion towards Shriram. Hanuman has absolute faith that His capability, His influence, are all because of the grace and blessings of Shriram. Therefore, He considers Himself as the humble servitor of Shriram. Hanuman, the supreme devotee of Shriram is one of the seven Chiranjivis (Immortals) in the universe.

5. Service unto Shriram is itself the life of Hanuman

The life of Hanuman was never for Himself. Ramseva (Service unto Shriram) is the only motive of Hanuman’s life. He never wants anything for Himself. His antahkaran (The inner sense organs consisting of conscious mind, subconscious mind, intellect and an ego) only long to serve Shriram and to be His devout servitor! Shriram had Himself said that both Sugreev and Vibhishan had their eyes on the throne for which they needed His help and hence they assisted Him; however, Hanuman did not have any such desire. Being a servitor of Shriram is the only ardent devotion that Hanuman knows.

Being enormous, powerful, a haven of qualities, epitome of humbleness, Hanuman could have been the king of kings. He could have easily become an emperor. He sacrificed all of that and remained a devout servitor of Shriram. The reason being His absolute devotion unto Shriram, and that Shriram is His soul.

When such a supreme devotee with limitless devotion could easily obtain Moksha from Shriram, an incarnation of Shrivishnu, and Shriram was ready to impart Moksha to Him, He accepted to remain as His servitor till the end of all the eras. Hanuman’s devotion unto God as a servitor is supreme, unexplainable and unfathomable. That is why ages have passed, but the devotion and reverence that people have for Hanuman equals the devotion and respect for Shriram.

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