The burning flame of Brahmatej for Hindu Dharma has extinguished ! – Sanatan Sanstha

The burning flame of Brahmateja for Hindu Dharma has extinguished with the renouncing of the body by Swami Swaroopanand Saraswati, the Shankaracharya of the Sharada Peeth at Dwarka and Jyotishpeeth at Badrikashram.
He became an ardent disciple of Dharma Samrat Karpatri Swami and spent his life propagating and protecting Hindu Dharma. He had dedicated his life to this cause. Out of the four peethas in the tradition of Adi Shankaracharya, he became the Shankaracharya of two peethas which were nourished by Him with religious faith. He was a pillar of support for many Hindu and spiritual organisations.
In 2015, when Sanatan Sanstha was accused falsely in Com. Govind Pansare murder case, Shankaracharya Swami Swaroopanand Saraswati strongly presented Sanatan Sanstha’s innocence in front of the media during the Kumbh Mela at Nashik. He also blessed the work of Sanatan Sanstha from time to time. History will remember the great work done by Him as Shankaracharya, which is the greatest post in India.
द्वारका एवं ज्योतिष पिठों के शंकाराचार्य स्वामी स्वरूपानंद सरस्वती का देहत्याग!
हिंदुत्व के लिए जलती हुई ब्रह्मतेज की धधगती ज्वाला शांत हो गई। धर्मसम्राट करपात्रीस्वामीजी के शिष्योत्तम बन उन्होंने अपना जीवन हिन्दू धर्म के प्रचार एवं धर्मरक्षा हेतु समर्पित किया।
– @1chetanrajhans— Sanatan Sanstha (@SanatanSanstha) September 11, 2022
– Chetan Rajhans, National Spokesperson, Sanatan Sanstha.