Inculcate virtues required to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ !

‘Hindu Rashtra’, which will lead to the well- being of mankind, is on the horizon; however, it is not that we will get to experience it easily. To experience it, we need to have virtues such as firm devotion unto God, readiness to sacrifice for the Absolute Truth, all-round preparedness of the mind, and so on. Guru Purnima offers an unparalleled opportunity to inculcate these virtues. On the occasion of Guru Purnima, participate in the celebrations and the associated satsevas (Service unto the Absolute Truth) in whatever way you can with your body, mind and wealth to reap the benefits of the Guru Principle that is active a thousand times more on this day. Pray fervently to the Guru – ‘Make us participate in Your mission of establishing the Hindu Rashtra’. Participate regularly in the Guru’s mission of establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ and fulfil the purpose of your life!
– Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Mukul Gadgil (One of the two Spiritual Heirs of Sachchidananda Parabrahman [Dr] Athavale), Sanatan Sanstha.
Increase loyalty, faith, and devotion unto Shri Guru !

Seekers and disciples who perform spiritual practice under the guidance of Shri Guru have a goal of progressing spiritually. Loyalty unto the Guru is the disciple’s doubtless state of mind. Faith in the Guru is firm conviction that the Guru will ensure his ultimate welfare. Devotion unto the Guru is to devotedly perform a task that the Guru likes. The Guru likes expansive service unto Dharma. Doing it with intense yearning is true devotion unto the Guru. Forgoing all doubts while participating in this mission is true loyalty unto the Guru, and having the bhav (Spiritual emotion) that participating in this expansive mission of serving Dharma in an ideal manner, and by taking initiative, you will progress spiritually, is true faith in the Guru. Therefore, from this Guru Purnima onwards, increase your loyalty, faith and devotion unto Shri Guru to progress spiritually!
– Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Nilesh Singbal (One of the two Spiritual Heirs of Sachchidananda Parabrahman [Dr] Athavale), Sanatan Sanstha.