Satsang 7 : Importance of Satsang


What is the meaning of Satsang?

Satsang is the company of Truth. Sat means God (Absolute Truth) or Brahmatatva and sang means company! It is impossible to get the company of God directly; hence the company of saints who are the manifest form of God, is the best Satsang. Each time, one may not be able to get the company of saints. Hence it is important for those who do sadhana (spiritual practice) to have Satsang. Satsang means a meeting where a satvik discussion takes place regarding God, dharma, spirituality, and sadhana. Satsang means an environment which is favourable for experiencing God or Brahmatatva! In simple language, Satsang means an environment that nourishes spirituality! You can get this Satsang in various ways. Right now, we have assembled online for understanding about the efforts that we need to undertake for doing sadhana. This is a Satsang. Going for discourses and singing devotional songs, going to temples, living near holy places, reading spiritual books written by saints, visiting Gurus or saints, etc., are the various means of having Satsang. A Satsang has the actual presence of God. If we participate sincerely and with yearning for God in a Satsang, we can definitely experience the presence of God element (Ishwari Tatva).

Even if one gets a Satsang, one’s internal spiritual emotion is also important for getting the desired benefits from the Satsang. For example, even when one considers going to temple as Satsang, if one goes to temple as if going for a ‘picnic’, then will one get the desired benefits of having darshan of God at the spiritual level? Hence, not only is Satsang important, but our practical efforts towards getting spiritual benefits of Satsang are equally important.


Importance of Satsang is greater than that of penance !

There is a story that describes the importance of Satsang. Once upon a time, an argument took place between the Sages Vasisht and Vishwamitra regarding what is superior, Satsang or undertaking penance? Sage Vasisht said, “Satsang is superior” whereas Sage Vishwamitra said, “Penance is superior”. To find a solution to this argument, both of them went to the Devas. The Devas told them that only Sheshnag can find an answer to their problem! So, they approached Sheshnag. They asked this question to Sheshnag, “Which one is superior, Satsang or penance”? Sheshnag told them, “If you could reduce the weight of earth on my head, I could think about your question and answer it.” In the puranas, it is mentioned that it is Sheshnag that balances the earth on its head. To reduce the weight of earth, Sage Vishwamitra took a resolve, “I offer the fruits of 1000 years of my penance, Mother Earth may rise slightly above the head of Sheshnag”. Mother Earth did not budge even a little. Then Sage Vasisht took a resolve, “I offer the fruits of half a ghataka (12 minutes) of my Satsang, Mother Earth may reduce her weight a little”. Mother Earth immediately lifted herself up. We come to know how important Satsang is from this story.


Narad Muni’s Satsang was responsible for
the transformation of Valya (Ratnakar) to Valmiki

Valya became Valmiki after listening to just a few minutes of Narad Muni’s Satsang! Valya, the robber, used to loot and murder passersby. Once, Narad Muni asked Valya, “For those whom you are committing these sins, that is your wife and children, are they also ready to share part of your sins?” On reaching home, Valya asked this question to his wife and children who refused to be a part of his sins. We are aware of the rest of the history. This question from Narad Muni turned Valya’s life.  He observed penance day and night for several years and Valya was transformed into sage Valmiki who is revered by the whole world. Such is the importance of Satsang.


Benefits Of Satsang

2 thoughts on “Satsang 7 : Importance of Satsang”

  1. Namaskar
    Do you hold Satsangs conducted in English ?

    I have attended SSRF Satsangs, but found that I benefited most from the Satsangs in Hindi (not sure of the language).

    Is this OK to do ? I supplement this with Holy texts – your own, Divine Life Society and Ramana Maharishi.

    I”m not sure what my next step in Spiritual Practice should be.

    I have chanted Shri Gurudev Datta (2hr/day), Om Namah Shivay (I keep the bhav that I am living in Shiva’s abode and have had spiritual experiences regarding this – some terrifying, others breathtakingly beautiful and some understanding of the paradoxes of Shiva; Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudeveya (again I have had spiritual experiences where the whole world has become my friend).

    Please help.

    I live in the UK.


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