Transliteration | Pronunciation | Transliteration | Pronunciation |
a as in far | अ | ṝ as in ṛ but longer | ॠ |
ā as in farther | आ | ē as in paint | ए |
i as in pin | इ | ai as in kite | ऐ |
ī as in pique | ई | o as in pole | ओ |
u as in pull | उ | au as in cow | औ |
ū as in rule | ऊ | aṃ as in sum | अं |
ṛ as in prefer | ऋ | aḥ is a voiceless h | अः |
Seldom used vowel –
ḹ – ॡ as in bottle
Transliteration | k as in sky | kh as in cake | g as in god | gh aspirated g | ṅ as in going |
Pronunciation | क | ख | ग | घ | ङ |
Transliteration | ch as in chain but unaspirated | chh as in chain | j as in jump | jh aspirated j | ñ as in cologne |
Pronunciation | च | छ | ज | झ | ञ |
Transliteration | ṭ as in total | ṭh retroflexed t | ḍ retroflexed different | ḍh aspirated d | ṇ retroflexed n in earn |
Pronunciation | ट | ठ | ड | ढ | ण |
Transliteration | t as in ṭ but dental | th as in ṭh but dental | d as in different but dental | dh as in ḍh but dental | n as in nose but dental |
Pronunciation | त | थ | द | ध | न |
Transliteration | p as in pet but unaspirated | ph as in pet | b as in book | bh aspirated b | m as in mother |
Pronunciation | प | फ | ब | भ | म |
Transliteration | y as in yacht | r as in roof | l as in laugh | v as in vixenixen | sh as in ship |
Pronunciation | य | र | ल | व | श / ष |
Transliteration | s as in sit | h as in hat | ḻ retroflexed l | ||
Pronunciation | स | ह | ळ |
Aspirated – pronounced with an accompanying forceful expulsion of air
Retroflex – pronounced with the tongue fully curled back
Dental – pronounced with the tongue tip touching the top teeth
Note : श / ष are both transliterated as ‘sh’. Even though there are differences in how each is pronounced, the differences are minor enough that for sake of simplicity we have decided to transliterate both as sh.
Sources : OurSanskrit | LearnSanskrit