‘Bharat has a great legacy of Sages. The Vedas, Upanishads, Purans etc written by Them impart holistic knowledge to man, encompassing the code of conduct, worship, spiritual practice, protection etc. This knowledge was acquired by these Sages through the spiritual prowess of their penance. They would receive Divine knowledge when Their spiritual practice would attain absoluteness. Though after repeated invasions on Bharat by Mughals, British, Dutch and Portuguese the wealth, prosperity and opulence of Bharat was looted, even today some opulence is existing in the form of knowledge. This is because it is the land of Deities and Dharma (Righteousness). The reason why these Holy texts written lakhs of years ago are still existing is the presence of knowledge and Divine Consciousness (Chaitanya) in them. They encompass all sciences from ancient Bharat – dance, drama, art, Ayurveda, defense, botany, engineering etc.
1. Worshiping a tree and praying to it before carving
a Deity or paduka (Holy wooden footwear) of a Saint in its
bark and installing them only if the tree remains alive after the carving
We visited M.K. Girish, a devotee and researcher in the science of Tantra, from Trishur in Kerala to learn about ancient Bharatiya culture. He explained how in the ancient times wooden idols of Deities or Holy wooden footwear were made. First the tree from which the idol was to be made was worshiped, then a prayer was offered to it and the idol was carved in its bark. Only that part of the bark of the tree from which an idol was carved would be cut. Then the cut part would be smeared with medicine and tied with cloth. Thereafter if that tree remained alive then the idol made from it would be installed. Testimony to this is a photograph of a tree chosen to make a flag for the the Bhagwati temple Korankotta in the Ernakulam District of Kerala in the 16th century. The photograph shows white light entering the red cloth charged with mantras, tied to the tree.
2. Sages have already taught the spiritual
concept of the existence of the God Principle in
every embodied soul (jiva) and living and non-living creation
Today in this material world trees at being fell in large numbers in vested interest. However, this example explains the greatness of Bharatiya tradition with respect to felling of trees. In this way the Sages have already taught people how the God Principle exists in every embodied soul and living and non-living creation and the underlying Spirituality. No matter how much gratitude we offer unto these Sages for this absolute knowledge will it ever be enough?