‘7.7.2019 marks the commencement of the birth centenary of H.H. Bhaktaraj and with His grace and inspiration all devotees have unanimously decided to celebrate it as the year of His birth centenary. The year long celebration will include reading of Shri Gurucharitra, chanting, bhajan and bhandaras at different places where His devotees reside. As part of this devotees have made a resolve (sankalp) to do 13 million chanting and offer it at the Holy feet of Sadguru. All year through a resolve to do readings of Shri Gurucharitra has been made and it has materialised. All dedicated devotees of H.H. Baba can render seva in their respective cities or villages and can contribute by participating in this auspicious event.
All devotees are extremely fortunate for being able to participate in this important religious event and to make it an unforgettable one. Sadguru will grant everyone immense energy, devotion and Divine Consciousness (Chaitanya). I appeal to Sadguru to fulfill the wishes of all devotees.
With warm greetings,
A servitor
Mr. Ashok Bhand (10.7.2019)
Hari Om Tatsat
1. Human birth, a rare gift from God and its objectives
1 A. A human birth is an incomparable and great event
‘As per Bharatiya Scriptures among all creation the human species is considered the greatest because God has given man the unique ability to ponder on the past and to think of the future. Due to his intellect man is considered different from other species.
A human birth is considered an incomparable and great event and is precious hence we should use this human body to perform righteous deeds. We should be ever grateful to the Almighty for giving us this invaluable gift. But embodied souls consider human life as average and waste it. They need to understand that this is not an average event but an incomparable one.
1 B. God has sent man into this world to perform his duties selflessly
Life has a certain determined purpose. Perceiving that, to perform our duties selflessly God has sent us into this world. The human body created from five Cosmic Principles is extremely unique, a difficult mystery and to understand it since times immemorial several efforts are being made. Yet the modern man has not met with much success. If you contemplate on this with prudence then you will realise that it is the vital energy which keeps the physical body alive. It confirms the presence of The Supreme God, the Master of this universe. It is in His realm that changes occur in the world, in fact nothing happens without His consent. This immense energy functions in a hidden form.
1 C. It is in sacrifice that true happiness (bliss) lies !
In life the giver is more intelligent than the recipient. Nature represents sacrifice and it is in sacrifice that lies true happiness and bliss, not in enjoyment. In fact enjoyment becomes the cause for unhappiness in life. It is in sacrifice that true bliss is hidden, so in other words the Supreme God is of the nature of bliss.
2. Prowess of Sadguru conveyed by
H.H. Bhaktaraj Maharaj through lines in bhajans
In one bhajan Baba (H.H. Bhaktaraj Maharaj) says,
आँखे दी जो अंधी । मन में है घोर अंधेरा ॥
वे आत्मचक्षू हमको । रूप देखे हम तिहारा ॥
Eyes are blind and the mind is engulfed with dense darkness, it is the vision of the soul that shows a vision of You.
Sadguru is a storehouse of radiance. It is with His grace alone that we can acquire inner vision and identify the Absolute Truth.
3. Biography of H.H. Bhaktaraj Maharaj
3 A. Due to love for God since childhood bhajans and
discourses were his hobbies, after completing education he did odd
jobs and then started a business; he was respected by people for his Divine virtues
Baba was born in an extremely pious middle class well known Brahman (priest) family with Shrirama as the family Deity. As since childhood the flame of devotion had been continuously burning in the heart bhajans and discourses were his favourite pastimes. As a result of regular participation in religious events such as bhajans, discourses and helping the poor became his hobbies and second nature. Soon after completion of education due to his financial status he searched for a job. Till then doing small jobs he increased his business but this was not acceptable to Nature.
Due to the virtues of a sharp intellect, good oration, ability to take quick and accurate decisions, he was an extraordinary child and all would treat him with respect.
3 B. Developing the hobby of reading the Shri Gurucharitra
and H.H. Shrishamsaibaba encouraging him to enhance devotion unto Sai
As he had a religious and spiritual attitude since childhood his hobby of reading the Shri Gurucharitra grew. In adverse times too his spiritual practice continued smoothly hence his desire to have a Guru grew day-by-day. At the same time H.H. Shrishamsaibaba (disciple of Saibaba who served the people at the command of Saibaba at His Mortakka ashram) provided guidance and encouraged him to enhance devotion unto Sai Baba .
3 C. Shri Bhuranand Baba thought that Shri Anantanand
Saish was speaking to someone so he peeped through a crack
in the door of the hut and saw Shri Anantanand Saish speaking to
Shri Sainath and complying with His instructions Shri Saish leaving for Indore
A Guru is able to identify a true disciple just as a jeweler accurately identifies a diamond. This is a spiritual experience of Shri Bhuranand Baba (a disciple of Shri Saish). Around 1956 Shri Anantanand Saish performed a series of chanting. At that time He was living in a hut on the banks of River Narmada beside the hut of H.H. Shri Avadhut. Shri Bhurandand Baba was about to leave after performing seva of the Holy feet of Shri Saish. Just then he felt that Shri Anatanand was speaking to someone. He peeped into the hut through a crack in its door only to see Shri Anantanand Saish speaking to Shri Sainath. The latter told the former ‘Someone is thinking of me and in search of me in Indore. Are we different from each other ? Go to Indore’.
When Swami reached Indore after a few days He first met Shri Peerbaba, a Muslim ascetic living near Harsiddhi temple. (Shri Peerbaba was the disciple of Sainath of Shirdi and was living in Indore on His command for the sake of social upliftment.) Shri Peerbaba was overjoyed to meet Shri Ananatanand in the form of His Guru. Conversing with Him and identifying Himself Swami went to the Paliwal caravanserai in Krishnapuri.
3 D. First meeting with Shri Anantanand Saish
3 D 1. As H.H. Bhaktaraj Maharaj was making a list of guests to be invited to the Shri Satyanarayan katha when a daughter of his friend asked him whether he would not invite Saibaba he decided to end his fast only after offering the meal to some Muslim ascetic
H.H. Baba was making a list of invitees for the Shri Satyanarayan puja along with a favourite friend Mr. Haribhau Lambhate. The friend’s seven year old daughter playing nearby said, “Uncle you have written names of all invitees but despite being a great devotee of Sai you have not written His name.” These words stung his conscience and he said ‘Of course I will invite Him’. At that juncture both friends decided to end the fast only after offering a meal to a Muslim ascetic.
3 D 2. Baba took the food offering (naivedya) of Shri Satyanarayan to H.H. Peerbaba who did not eat it but directed him to a dharmashala in Paliwal where he requested Swami to partake of the offering and His doing so by taking kadi and besan chakki from the plate was an auspicious sign indicating that Sai Himself had come there
On 9.2.1956 Baba along with his friend Mr. Dattatreya Joshi (Vaidya) during the inauguration of Sunanda Pharmacy came with a plate of naivedya of Shri Satyanarayan to Peerbaba who said that as he was fasting from dawn to dusk he could not accept it. He asked the reason for their coming to him and directed them to Paliwal caravenserai to meet a Saint just like Sai. So they arrived at the Paliwal caravenserai. By then it was nightfall. On the verandah of the Hanuman temple of the caravenserai Swami was lying down. Baba with intense yearning requested him to partake of the naivedya. He first rejected it saying that being a renunciant he ate only one meal a day. Baba was restless but once he revealed everything to Swami He took the kadi and gramflour from the plate (both items dear to Saibaba) sending the auspicious signal that Swami Himself was Sai.
3 D 3. As H.H. Baba lay down his head on Swami’s feet expressing heartfelt gratitude He said ‘Son Dinu I have come for you.’ Hearing this H.H. Baba began weeping so Shri embraced and woke him from his state of surrender
Before leaving in a state of silence Baba offered gratitude to Swami from the heart and placed his head on His feet. Swamiji received a signal of total surrender. Patting his back he said, “Son Dinu I have come for you.” Hearing this Baba began to sob uncontrollably with tears falling on Swami’s Holy feet. Then Shri Saish embraced him and he regained his senses, till then he was in a state of total surrender.
3 E. Dinu’s rigorous spiritual practice ended on 9.2.1956
after which this day came to be celebrated as Prakatdin (the day of
materialisation), thereafter forgetting everything H.H. Baba only served the Guru
Dinu’s rigorous spiritual practice finally ended on 9.2.1956. Ever since this day is being celebrated annually as Prakatdin. Since that day for 1 year and 10 months Baba remain engrossed in serving Sadguru in the gross. He forgot not only others but also himself. He lost touch with relatives, friends and family; only service unto the Guru remained the purpose of his life.
3 F. Shri Anantanand Saish initiated H.H. Baba with a mantra
On 15.2.1956 Shri Anantanand Saish initiated Baba with a Gurumantra on the banks of River Narmada. Then He took him to pay homage to the Holy wooden footwear (paduka) of His Guru H.H. Chandrashekharanand Swami, from there to Omkareshwar to the temple of Mahadev. They spent the night at Mortakka at Shri Shamsai Sadan.
3 G. After H.H. Bhaktaraj Maharaj sang the
devotional song ‘Bap mhaja ho dnyanvant…’ (How wise is
my Master !) overcome with happiness, the Guru blessed him with
the title ‘Bhaktaraj (king of devotees) after which H.H. Baba was able to
compose several devotional songs in Marathi and Hindi which He sang for the Guru
On 16.2.1956 at dawn as he was heating water on the firewood stove for the Sadguru, with His very grace Deity Saraswati appeared in his speech and through Her Divine voice came the lyrics of the devotional song ‘How wise is my Master!’ Swami was so pleased with the bhajan that he blessed Baba with the title of Bhaktaraj. Thereafter Baba was able to compose bhajan after bhajan. Every day there was a new composition. Baba would compose the bhajan, set the tune and standing in front of the Sadguru would sing it clapping to the rhythm. The Master would to listen to it with apt attention and correct any mistake in the lyrics or tune. This then assumed the form of a perfected (siddha) mantra. The flow of bhajans continued. Baba wrote several Marathi and Hindi bhajans.
3 H. By organising bhajan programmes and bhandaras at the residences of His
devotees Shri Saish impressed the importance of bhandaras on the minds of people
When Shri Saish was invited to the residence of a devotee after puja there would a programme of bhajans sung by Baba, then the bhandara. This shows how important chanting the Name of God and donating food are in this Kaliyug. Bhandaras have played an extremely important role in the life of Shri Saish Bhagwan. Organising several bhandaras he impressed the importance of bhandaras in our region. Those living on the banks of River Narmada or circumambulating it (parikrama) know His contribution well.
3 I. Spiritual emotion would get evoked in the
hearts of devotees from the country and abroad coming
to pay respects to Shri Saish upon listening to the bhajans of H.H. Baba
The glory of Shri Saish was spreading. He became famous as ‘Saibaba’. Devotees from far and wide who come to pay respects to Him would consider themselves fortunate to get darshan of him. The attraction to Baba’s bhajans and their prowess was so strong that once a devotee heard them he would surrender, even going beyond the barrier of language. Only devotees with spiritual emotion understand a bhajan. The direct evidence for this are his devotees from within the country and abroad not knowing Marathi or Hindi languages with no contact with the ashram or devotees.
3 J. Shri Anantanand Saish renounces His body
On completing Their missions Saints who are incarnations of God leave Their bodies to complete Their further missions. They never get entangled in the Great Illusion (Maya). They are associated with the God Principle and are beyond restrictions. In December 1957 on the day of Datta Jayanti after blessing devotees He departed to His native place Amet (Rajsanmud District, Rajasthan) by train from Ratlam and on December 12, 1957 merged into infinity.
3 J 1. After hearing the news of the renunciation of the body by His Guru the life of H.H. Baba was filled with darkness, he felt orphaned and life became meaningless but when Shri Saish entered his subconscious and inspired him to sing bhajans he complied and for more than 38 years continued the three point programme of bhajan, bhraman (travel) and bhandara
The news of the renunciation of his body by Shri Ananatanand Saish brought everything to a standstill. H.H. Baba forgot himself. For him life was plunged in darkness and became meaningless. He felt orphaned as if he had lost everything. Entering his conscience Shri Saish said, ‘Is this what I have taught you ? Get up and sing bhajans’. This woke up H.H. Baba from his sleep and ever since holding the tambourine he continued singing bhajans day and night. Bhajan, bhraman (travelling to preach) and bhandara became the three point programme in his life of hardships. He continued this mission relentlessly for more than 38 years, got associated with devotees and today there are scores of them. This magic is continuing even now and will undoubtedly do so in the future because this Divine energy has assumed a colossal form.
3 K. Power in the bhajans of H.H. Bhaktaraj Maharaj
His bhajans have driven the universe crazy. A lady devotee has written in this context,
भजन की नसीहतों (शिकवण) का, ऐसा असर है ।
जिसको लगी हवा, वो कुरबान हो गए ।
बड़ी मुद्दतो (पुष्कळ प्रयत्नांनी) में बाबा भक्तराज मिले ॥
Getting a Sadguru like Him is indeed our good fortune. Baba’s bhajans are saturated with unsubduable Divine Consciousness which make devotees crazy. As the effect of His bhajans falls on the conscience a devotee merges with the Guru Principle and forgets Himself and functions in that spiritual world which has bliss everywhere. Baba says, “Bhajan means bhaja +man. That is, a devotee who concentrates on the subconscious mind remembers God and can derive bliss from a bhajan. The one who listens to, contemplates on and analyses bhajans will derive bliss from them. There are several devotees who have attained Self-realisation through bhajans, some of whom have also had visions of God. With His grace many devotees have been inspired by bhajans which are inspiring and evoke immense spiritual emotion (bhav).
Baba’s bhajans are an essence of the Holy Scriptures and spiritual Holy texts such as the Ramayan, Mahabharat, Geeta, Veda-Vedanta, Upanishad etc.. Seekers practicing Spirituality receive answers to all questions on their path through bhajans. Shri Anantanand Saish had said to Baba ‘Bhajan is everything’ meaning that a bhajan endows knowledge, inspiration and devotion, it is capable of endowing Sat-Chit-Anand (Absolute Truth-Absolute Consciousness-Bliss). Through these very bhajans H.H. Baba has steadied devotees on the Path of Devotion because of which their life is always filled with bliss. Baba’s bhajans are a summary of all paths to God – Path of Action (Karmayoga), Path of Knowledge (Dnyanyoga), Path of Devotion (Bhaktiyoga), Path of Energy Transfer (Shaktipatyoga) etc. hence one experiences perpetual bliss from them. In the minds of devotees bhajans are equivalent to Bhaktaraj. In short it is through bhajans that you merge with Sadguru Bhaktaraj Maharaj.
3 L. H.H. Baba preserved the Guru tradition of bhajan
along with bhandara and convinced devotees about donating food (annadan)
Even today the Guru tradition of bhandara started by Baba is continuing with enthusiasm and joy. To commemorate the birth centenary year of Sadguru Bhaktaraj Maharaj bhandaras, bhajan programmes and chanting sessions are being organised all over. This will help in convincing the world how bhajan, donation of food and chanting play an extraordinary important role in Bharatiya culture. Baba would say “Donation of food is a great deed. The blessing received by feeding the poor and downtrodden to their heart’s content is very beneficial. Food is the Absolute God (Brahman) Principle hence never give up a single opportunity to donate food, donate at least a little.”
3 M. The ‘Daridra Narayan Bhandara’ started by
H.H. Baba on the banks of River Kshipa at Ramghat continuing till date
In the bhajan Baba has said ‘In the Kaliyug, Dharma is miles away’ and truly so in the Kaliyug some Bharatiyas are drifting from their culture. It is necessary to teach these people. They can do this as social service. Considering all these points Baba started the Daridra Narayan Bhandara at Ujjain on the banks of River Kshipa at Ramghat. Baba would sit there with the poor and enjoy the prasad (food first offered to God). Ever since during the festival of Diwali this bhandara is organised annually. All poor and downtrodden from Ramghat till the Shri Mahakaleshwar temple, ascetics, Saints and devotees are served food to their heart’s content. The prasad consists of a pumpkin and bean vegetable, puri and sweet semolina shira. It is served after offering it to Sadguru. Carrying it on a handcart enthusiastic and young devotees distribute this prasad. Meanwhile other devotees gathered there sing bhajans. The remaining prasad is then consumed by devotees. This bhandara has now assumed an expansive form. Baba has been telling His devotees what is in the lines further, from the very beginning,
गांठ मे पैसा, धान की गठडी । होवेना जो भी साथ ॥
प्रेम का प्यासा है मेरा प्रभु । लाओजी अपने साथ ॥
आवोजी आवो साई के दरबार ॥
Whatever you have money, food grain bring it and offer it in Sai’s court. God yearns only for your love.
My earnest appeal to all my devotee brethren is not to take any teaching of Baba casually. Every teaching is meant for upliftment of the embodied soul (jivatma) and has been presented here beautifully, through a bhajan. The only objective behind this is social upliftment, so let us fulfill the very purpose of our life.
3 N. In the Kaliyug the simple and easy path
to God realisation is chanting the Name of God
Saints and ascetics explain the importance of chanting as per their understanding. But with His foresight Baba has given His devotees in the Kaliyug an extremely simple, easy, convenient, useful path which can be followed easily. Based on this a devotee as per his circumstances can chant the Name of God (His Deity of worship) or the Name told by His Guru anywhere, anytime.
3 N 1. Spiritual experience – By chanting continuously the work efficiency and concentration in me and subordinate workers increasing, work stress decreasing, production and quality of products growing and getting greater profits due to unexpected growth in annual turnover
When in a job due to the grace of Baba my chanting would occur continuously. The positive effects of this on me and subordinate workers and on their work was such that their efficiency and concentration grew, also the work environment became pleasant reducing work stress. As a result the work continued systematically and excellently completing the consignments on time. Neither my workers nor I would feel exhausted. Production and quality grew and the annual turnover was more than expected. This made the work environment even more conducive and all tasks would be accomplished smoothly without any stress. Hence despite working in the private sector for 38 years I never experienced stress. With no untoward incident during my job tenure I was able to work successfully only due to the grace of the Guru. This is a clear example to show that the Name has unlimited energy. In a bhajan Baba clearly says,
नामची दीनाचा आधार । साधूनी नेईल आपणा पार ॥
(The Name alone is the support for Dina, that alone will ferry me across the material world)
That is why I emphasis on ‘Chanting and fulfilling the purpose of life’. Sadguru says ‘Do not waste time, start chanting as this alone will remove the grime of the material world’. Indeed this is the truth.
क्षणही हा एक मोलाचा । बोल हा सत्य दीनाचा ॥
(Every moment is precious, the Name is the truth for Dina)
The Name of God is so great that due to it defects in the mind are wiped out and the subconscious is purified.This is absolutely essential for the Sadguru to steady a form of the Supreme God in your heart.
4. Gratitude offered at the Holy feet of
Sadguru for His satsang, guidance and seva
I am indeed very fortunate that with the grace of Sadguru I got the opportunity to witness the merging of the embodied soul (Baba+Dada) and Shiv (Shri Ananatanand Saish) which is unique and unforgettable. I also got the opportunity to visit places of pilgrimage with them, enjoyed satsang and bhajan, received invaluable guidance from them, got a chance to serve them thus changing the state and direction of my life. Transforming ignorance to knowledge, going through the beautiful journey of the spiritual realm, showing the absolute truth they filled my life with happiness and gave me the strength to walk on the Path of truth. By following their ideals I am living a peaceful, content, fearless and happy life. ‘By giving me far more than I expected You have kept me in Your debt forever, a debt which can never be repaid. Even today this is continuing at every step hence I have decided that I will remain Your servant forever and I am certain You will fulfill this wish.’
‘अमोल चीज जो दी गुरुने । न दे सके भगवान भी ॥’
(Even God cannot give the invaluable gift given by the Guru)
What this ignorant child has composed with Your grace is being offered at Your Holy feet.
॥ Hari Om Tatsat ॥
-Yours sincerely