‘Man lives for some years but Deities are immortal. That is why since times immemorial houses meant to last a few decades or centuries were built from mud while idols of Deities supposed to last for thousands of years were sculpted from stone. When building mud houses too sciences such as Ayurveda, vastushastra (science of premises) etc. were taken into consideration. In Kerala such houses are called ‘Ayurgruhas’. On April 18, 2019 seekers from Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay interviewed Mr. Rajan involved in creating Ayurvastra (Ayurvedic clothing) and Ayurgruha, in Balarampuram in Kerala to learn more about it. This article gives information on Ayurgruhas and the research they have done using the Universal Aura Scanner.

1. What is an Ayurgruha ?
The word ‘Ayurgruha’ has originated from two words ‘Ayur’ meaning health and ‘gruha’ meaning house. An Ayurgruha is a house made from mud bricks mixed with medicinal plants used in Ayurveda.
2. History of Ayurgruhas
According to Mr. Rajan who runs an Ayurgruha at Thiruvanantapuram in Balarampuram District of Kerala the tradition of creating Ayurgruhas is more than a thousand years old. Formerly an Ayurgruha was built only with mud, everything, including the floor was made of mud. Some spots in the house and walls were smeared with cowdung. Some plants were used in their construction. Since these houses were conducive for health they were called Ayurgruhas. Medicinal plants in the mud used in construction of the Ayurgruha would penetrate the bodies of those residing in it, in minute quantities, through their fragrance and would help in overcoming diseases.
3. Mr. Rajan and family who constructed an Ayurgruha
There is a science on which extract of a tree is to be used for which illness. Based on knowledge received through experience over generations, for the past several years, Mr. Rajan and family are mainly involved in creating ayurvastra (clothing) and to promote public awareness about Ayurvastra they have constructed an Ayurgruha. The medicinal plants required to create both clothing and the house as per Ayurvedic principles are procured from Agasti forest which still has many rare plants. Mr. Rajan himself cultivates some of these plants. When procuring plants traditional rules are followed ensuring that environmental pollution too does not occur.
4. Some features of an Ayurgruha
4 A. Bricks and stones used to build an Ayurgruha
Baking bricks required to construct an Ayurgruha, woodwork etc. are traditional arts. The mud used to make these bricks has different kinds of medicinal plants in it. Instead of baking these bricks they are dried in the sun. Based on the need sometimes stone too is used.
4 B. Mud flooring and tiled roof
The floor in an Ayurgruha is made of mud while the roof is made from baked tiles.
4 C. No use of cement in the construction
Instead of cement which is used in modern construction, in construction of an Ayurgruha a mixture of mud, lime, jaggery, plant extract etc. is used. Life of construction done with this mixture is more than that done with cement.
4 D. Using different wood for different parts and different directions in an Ayurgruha
As told in Scriptures wood of jackfruit, teak, aegle marmelos (bel), madder which is appropriate is used in the threshold, doors, windows, beams etc. Based on the direction, the wood used for the window or door is chosen as per Scriptures.
4 E. Use of Vedic Vastushastra
Vedic Vastushastra is used everywhere from selection of a premises (vastu) to creation of a new one.
4 F. Risk of water and termites
An Ayurgruha has to face the risk of water and termites but there are remedies to combat them as well. If these remedies are done time and again then an Ayurgruha lasts longer than a modern house.
4 G. Coolness in summer and heat in winter
In summer an Ayurgruha is cool while in winter it is warm. Due to architecture of the Ayurgruha and material used to construct it changes occurring in the external environment affect the atmospheric changes in the house.
5. Bricks of an Ayurgruha measured with a Universal Aura Scanner
To measure the energy within a common brick and one used in construction of an Ayurgruha testing was done using the Universal Aura Scanner on 12.9.2019 at Ramnathi, Goa.
5 A. Introduction to the Universal Aura Scanner
This instrument is also called an ‘Aura Scanner’ and is used to measure positive and negative energy and total aura around any living or non-living object. This was invented in 2005 by former nuclear physicist Dr. Mannem Murty from Bhagyanagar, Telangana. (For further details refer http://www.vedicauraenergy.com/universal_scanner.html)
5 B. Readings measured with the Universal Aura Scanner
Readings recorded during the testing | The commonly used baked brick | The mud brick fortified with medicinal plants | The brick used in couctnstring an Ayurgruha (unbaked mud brick fortified with medicinal plants) |
Time when the UAS reading was taken | 3.20 p.m. | 9.41 a.m. | 9.32 a.m. |
1. Negative energy (meters) | – | – | – |
2. Positive energy aura (meters) | 1.23 | 3.04 | 3.67 |
3. Total measured aura (meters) | 1.56 | 4.65 | 5.04 |
5 C. Discussion
5 C 1. Absence of negative energy
Negative energy, that is ‘infrared’ or ‘ultraviolet’ rays were absent in all three types of bricks made from mud.
5 C 2. Presence of positive energy
It is not mandatory for all persons, objects or premises to have positive energy. All three types of bricks made from mud had positive energy. When the aura of positive energy within them was measured that of the common mud baked brick was 1.23 meters while that of the baked mud brick fortified with medicinal plants was more than double of that, that is 3.04 meters. However that of the unbaked mud brick fortified with medicinal plants was maximum, that is 3.67 meters.
5 C 3. Extremely large total measured aura
The total measured aura of a common man or object is approximately 1 meter. The total measured aura of a common baked brick was 1.56 meters while that of a baked brick fortified with medicinal plants was even greater than that (4.65 meters) and that of an unbaked mud brick fortified with medicinal plants was the most (5.04 meters).
In short testing done with the Universal Aura Scanner proved that a lot of positive energy was being emitted by an Ayurgruha brick and its total measured aura was much more as recorded with a Universal Aura Scanner. This proves that from the spiritual perspective an Ayurgruha is beneficial.
6. Spiritual science underlying the
presence of sattvikta in bricks from an Ayurgruha
‘Material used to make bricks used in an Ayurgruha (eg mud and medicinal plants within it) and the process of making them (eg drying the bricks in the sun instead of baking them in an oven), keeps the sattvikta in Ayurgruha bricks more than in common bricks. The Ayurgruha brick is an excellent example of how by adding sattvik material and making the process of creation sattvik, an object can be made sattvik.
7. How sciences and arts from
ancient Bharat are enriched with Divine
Consciousness (Chaitanya) due to their spiritual base
and how they have sustained themselves with passage of time
As vastushastra (science of premises), astrology, mathematics and other sciences or music, dance, painting and other arts have Spirituality as their foundation those achieving that science or art can experience God, that is the highest form of bliss. Music, dance and other arts have stood the test of time only because of the foundation of Spirituality. However in the present times as the common man has not thought of the spiritual perspective of art there is no perfection in creation of a premises.
In the present intense adverse times too Kerala has preserved the ancient art of creating Ayurgruhas. We cannot imagine how perfect and advanced it must have been in the past. We are indeed fortunate that such rare forms of art and science have still not disappeared completely. It is the need of the hour to protect and conserve such forms of art and science.’