1. Visitors to the website through various media
Number of visitors to a website can be obtained online from ‘google analytics’. In addition to readers of Sanatan Sanstha website there is a category of people connected to the Sanstha through social networking websites and we are uploading that as well.
Media | Period during which readers visited the website | Number of visitors |
1. Website www.Sanatan.org | August 1 to 31, 2019 | 2,04,485 |
2. Facebook
www.facebook.com/sanatan.org www.facebook.com/sanatan.english |
Members till August 31, 2019 | 65,820 |
3. Twitter
www.twitter.com/sanatansanstha |
Followers till August 31, 2019 | 14,208 |
2. Online spread of Spirituality through the website
2 A. Most read posts from Facebook
Title of the post | Language | How many people received this post |
1. When and how to swab the floor | Marathi | 26052 |
2. How does tying a rakhi help in reducing the give-and-take account between a brother and sister | Marathi | 22823 |
3.Importance of ‘Bhagwadgeeta’, the spiritual text of Hindus | Marathi | 21349 |
4. Method of performing Shivamuth vrat | Marathi | 20466 |
5. The 200 year old ‘Shri Vishal Ganapati’ fulfilling the desires of its devotees | Hindi | 9632 |
6. The seven layers in the arrangement of a temple (seven layers in the formation of a temple) | English | 2917 |
2 B. Readers respond with enthusiasm to the
notifications sent through the Sanatan Panchang App
After notifications were sent in Marathi, Kannada, Gujarati and English through the online Sanatan Panchang Android App 14379 readers visited the website.
3. Most frequently read posts in different languages
Title of the post | Language | Number of visitors |
1. Nagpanchami | Kannada | 8154 |
2. Cradle of Shrikrushna | Marathi | 6684 |
3. Shivamooth (Shivamushtivrat) | Marathi | 6615 |
4. Shrikrushna Janmashtami | Kannada | 4176 |
5. Method of casting off the evil eye using salt and red chillies together | English | 3815 |
6. How to grow a plant in a pot and its nurture | Hindi | 2234 |
Appeal to readers and wellwishers
Those of you who wish to participate in spread of Spirituality from the Sanatan.Org website through social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. may communicate with [email protected]