Ramayan is an invaluable treasure and history of Bharat. No matter how much the modern-day rationalists criticize Ramayan and refuse to accept that Ramayan actually happened, the photographs related to various events that occurred during the Ramayan era stand testimony to this history. Ramayan dates to Tretayug and is several centuries old. It is an indicator of the ancient nature and greatness of Hindu culture. In this article, various places from the period of Ramayan in Sri Lanka, have been specifically described. In fact, these serve as the proof of the stay of Devi Sita post her abduction by Ravan.

The city of Ayodhya built by Manu on the banks of River Sharayu …
In Tretayug, along with His subjects, Shriram had taken jal-samadhi (Renouncing the body in water) in this River Sharayu, in Ayodhya. In Kaliyug, karsevaks (Volunteers) who were in Ayodhya in 1990 to participate in the Ramjanmabhoomi agitation were shot dead with orders from the then Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav and their bodies were later flung into this river.