Video – Survival Guide – Brief overview of preparations required to face adverse times
Predictions about adverse times
Predictions about the severe calamitous timesPredictions made by Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and SaintsPrediction by author Sylvia Brown
How can you survive ?
Get prepared at various levels to face the adverse times, right now!Do this to prevent starvingCommence cultivation of food grains
Buy or prepare long-lasting foods to survive during the adverse times !Do this to prevent water starvationPreparations for feasibility of travel when fuels are not availableStart purchasing from now the items of daily use
Planning about the alternatives to items of day-to-day useWhat to stock & what not to ?Buying sufficient stock of medicinesFamilial preparedness for the adverse times
How to deal with natural disasters ?
Today entire world, with India being no-exception, has been engulfed with extreme form of global issues. Number of seers have predicted turbulent and distressing times of cataclysmic proportions for the entire world. In coming times, there will be a surge in extreme natural disasters like Tsunami, earthquakes etc., to such an extent that even scientists are saying that we may have to leave our earth ! Entire humanity is getting a glimpse of these adverse times every day through the various events and mediums. With this, one can get an idea of the severity of the adverse times.
Horrifying nature of the global calamitiesDo this before buying a premisesRelocate from metros and urban areas to townsPrecautions to be taken before and after flood situation !
Actions required during a storm !Precautions required when lightning flashes in the sky !
Increase your spiritual strength to face natural calamities
Do not feel scared – take autosuggestions !Increase your spiritual strength to face natural calamities
Terrible state of emergency experienced by the people
Terrible state of emergency experienced by…
Spiritual practice in times of catastrophes such as the Corona pandemic !
Spiritual practice in times of Corona pandemic !
How to survive adverse times ?
Firefighting Techniques of firefightingAgnihotra Protection from a nuclear attackMedicinal Plants Sow medicinal herbsAyurved Eternal and everlasting science !
Acupressure Useful for the World War timesReflexology Healing TherapyPranashakti flow system Spiritual remedies on ailmentsEmpty boxes treatment Spiritual healing remedy
Chants and Mantra for Spiritual healingPhysiotherapy Alleviating the pain from the body