Importance of doing desired tasks at the right Muhurt (auspicious time)
In India, since Vedic times it has been a tradition to perform important tasks during auspicious times (muhurt). What is a muhurt?
In India, since Vedic times it has been a tradition to perform important tasks during auspicious times (muhurt). What is a muhurt?
Hanumant (Deity Hanuman) considers Himself as the devout servant of Shriram. Hanuman has absolute faith that His capability, His influence, are all because of the grace and blessings of Shriram.
Mrs. Suma Manjesh of Sanatan Sanstha narrated to the children the importance of moral values, harms of watching TV and mobile, how to perform our daily tasks in an ideal manner, how to do namaskar etc.
Words of gratitude expressed by dignitaries at the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav 2023 towards Sachchidananda Parabrahma Dr Athavale! In 2014, I first came in contact with Sanatan Sanstha and Hindu Janajagruti Samiti. This is when this fight for the liberation of the temples received divine benediction in the form of Sachchidananda Parabrahman Dr Jayant Athavale. … Read more
Adhik maas happens to be the thirteenth month of a lunar year every two or three years. The vrats to be performed during adhik maas
The Hindi and Marathi ebook editions of ‘Hindu Rashtra – Objection and Rebuttal’ and Marathi and Hindi ebook editions of Sanatan’s text ‘Sadhana pratyaksha shikavnyachi paddhat’, from the series on Sachchidananda Parabrahman Dr Athavale’s invaluable teachings were launched at the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav.
Taking into consideration the upcoming adverse calamities, everyone should properly learn and develop capability to perform spiritual remedies as well as increase one’s spiritual practice.
I am fighting a case against ‘Popular Front of India’ (PFI). The previous lawyers withdrew because PFI operatives used to click photos and videos of the advocates and threaten them in Mysuru District Court premises.
Dharma is to work for universal welfare. Right action is called Dharma. Harming others in the name of freedom of expression is Adharma. The main problem with freedom of expression is, who determines what is freedom or expression and what is wantonness?
“Not only this, spiritual practice awakens self-confidence and one can lead a stress-free life. With spiritual practice we can act without expecting the fruits of our actions and derive pleasure from every action. Working without expecting the fruit of the labour results in selfless Karma Yoga, which also leads to spiritual progress.