Arti of Shri Krishna
This is a sattvik rendition of the Marathi Arti of Shri Krishna composed by Saint Eknath Maharaj and sung by Sanatan’s seekers.
This is a sattvik rendition of the Marathi Arti of Shri Krishna composed by Saint Eknath Maharaj and sung by Sanatan’s seekers.
This is a sattvik rendition of the Marathi arti of Durga devi composed by Samarth Ramdas Swami and sung by Sanatan’s seekers
This is a sattvik rendition of the Marathi Arti of Hanuman / Maruti which was composed by Samarth Ramdas Swami.
Certain tips that consider your basic constitution (prakruti) & employ mudras to help you fall asleep quickly & have a peaceful night.
Salt-water therapy can remove lethargy & negativity, allow you to absorb positivity, charge your aura & have you ready to go in 15 minutes.
Legal action will be taken against the irrational office bearers of MANS (Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti) blaming Sanatan although Court’s verdict on Dr Dabholkar’s murder is awaited
‘Tower’ mudra as well as ‘Mountain’ mudra placed on Sahasrar chakra helps in eliminating the distress due to negative energies quickly
The ritual performed to eliminate certain problems due to birth at an inauspicious time or under certain circumstances is called Jananashanti
Mangaldosh means based on position of Mars in a horoscope, problems associated with that position emerge, especially regarding marriage.
Celebrating birthday on the Lunar birth date as prescribed by Hindu Dharma increases the sattvikta of the individual’s subtle body (mind).