‘Dnyan-shakti Prasar Abhiyan’ begins; take maximum benefit of Sanatan’s books – appeals Sanatan Sanstha

The Sanstha has undertaken a nation-wide drive to spread the divine knowledge available in Sanatan’s books amongst society. This drive is undertaken so that these books reach every curious, seekers, etc. so that they make use of this knowledge and fulfill the purpose of human birth. Sanatan Sanstha appeals that maximum number of people read these books and enlighten themselves.

Assistance by various Saints to Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale’s mission

The mission taken up by Sanatan Sanstha’s founder Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale for reinstating Sanatan Dharma and establishing it in the entire world is spreading across the entire world. By the grace of God, many Saints have shouldered important responsibilities or have guided Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale. This article is for expressing gratitude unto all of them.