The glory of Shrikshetra Neera-Narsinhapur

Shrikshetra Neera-Nrusinhapur is situated on the confluence of rivers Neera and Bheema to the North-East of Pune district. Those whose family Deity is Shri Nrusinha, should certainly visit this place of pilgrimage and pay obeisance to Shri Nrusinha. The Padma Puran states that once Deity Indra abducted Kayadhu, the wife of Hiranyakashapu, when she was pregnant.


On specific days at specific times with specialised instruments the Divine consciousness at Alandi can be measured.

The Amarnath Yatra that bestows humans with the merit of visiting 23 holy places of pilgrimage

As per religious beliefs, vision of the ice Shivalinga in Amarnath cave bestows 10 times the merit gained by paying obeisance to Shivlinga in Kashi, 100 times the merit gained by paying obeisance in Prayag and 1000 times the merit obtained by paying obeisance in Naimisharanya. That is why even today millions of Hindus go on a pilgrimage to Amarnath with wholehearted devotion.