Guru Disciple Relationship

The uniqueness of India can be expressed in one phrase – the Guru Disciple lineage. It is this spiritual heritage that makes India the spiritual hub of the world.

Guru shishya parampara, guru disciple lineage

The Guru has supreme importance in the life of a disciple; because a disciple cannot realise God without Guru. Today, the daily life of most people is filled with hectic activity and problems. The Guru is the one who imparts precise knowledge on appropriate spiritual practice for acquiring peace of mind and Anand (Bliss) and how to perform it. Through these articles, the disciple will understand the true nature of the Guru through various aspects such as the Guru’s form exhibiting paternal love for the devotee, the Guru’s compassionate nature, various mediums of bestowing grace on the disciple etc. This will lead to strengthening of devotion in the disciple unto the Guru and he will be able to obtain maximum benefit from the existence of the Guru.

Guru and Disciple

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