God is everyone’s true support
The answer to, ‘Who helps when difficult times arrive?’ is ‘When difficult times arrive only God helps’ – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale
The answer to, ‘Who helps when difficult times arrive?’ is ‘When difficult times arrive only God helps’ – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale
In western countries there is no derth of food-clothing-shelter; yet, people there commit suicide because of mental disorders. Conversely, the Governments from Independence till date have not been able to fulfill even the fundamental needs of food-clothing-shelter of Indian citizens and hence, they commit suicide. To prevent this, the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ is a must. – … Read more
In India, malpractices are widespread; demoniacal attitudes have gained strength as the government and parents do not teach morality and code of conduct since childhood. As a result, the instances of rapes, corruption, various crimes, traitors to the Nation and Dharma are on the rise and consequently, the Nation has regressed to a great extent. … Read more
In materialistic life, there are cases where an Ophthalmologist suffers from eye ailment, a Cardiologist suffers from heart ailment, a Psychiatrist suffers from mental disorder; however, in Spirituality, Saints do not suffer from spiritual distress after curing others of their spiritual distress. Some Saints do suffer from physical ailments; but, they are as per their … Read more
Hindu Dharma advises system of Varnashram (Varna +Ashram). Here Varna means Path of spiritual practice and not caste. There are four ashrams viz., 1. Brahmacharyashram, 2. Gruhasthashram, 3. Vanaprasthashram and 4. Sanyasashram. Their respective meanings are : 1. Observing celibacy, 2. Leading family life, 3. Renouncing Gruhasthashram and staying in forest with attitude of an … Read more
Before 1400 years there was not a single Muslim in the world; likewise, before 2100 years there was not a single Christian, before 2800 years there was not a single Buddhist or Jain, and before 3500 years there was not a single Parsi in the world; then, who were dwelling on the earth before that? … Read more
Many non-Hindus tease Hindus, ‘If there is only one God, how come there are so many Deities in your Dharma ?’ These ignorant individuals do not realise that Hindu Dharma is an absolute Dharma among all religions. If we consider the example of western Medical science, we will realise that initially there were limited medicines … Read more
Rationalists make fun of Karmakanda (Spiritual practice of rites, rituals and observances); however, if we study Karmakanda, we will realise how every aspect has been defined after a deep study. – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale
We believe in our Doctor, Advocate, Chartered Accountant, etc. We should have many times more, not only belief but faith in our Guru. – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale
Think about what should the population of India be depending on the availability of land, foodgrains and water in the country. Else, everyone will suffocate in the ensuring crowd. How do the rulers not understand this ? – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale