Science and Spirituality

Science and Spirituality Science is associated with subjects related to the Pruthvitattva; whereas, Spirituality is associated with the Panchamahabhutas (Five Cosmic Principles – Pruthvi, Apa, Tej, Vayu and Akash) as well as the Nirgun Principle. Hence, science studies planets beyond our earth; whereas, Spirituality studies the Nirgun Principle beyond the Pancha- mahabhutas and teaches us … Read more

Moksha (Final Liberation) !

Some religions resort to religious conversions to increase their numerical strength; conversely, Hindus educate people of other religions on Dharma so that they attain Moksha (Final Liberation) ! – Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale

Dissolution of the Intellect

Rationalists teach that, which can be comprehended by the intellect; whereas, Spirituality teaches about dissolution of the intellect. There can be no comparison between the two ! – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale

Meditation and Chanting

Teaching : Which of the two spiritual practices is superior – meditation or chanting ? Explanation : Chanting is superior to meditation because of the following reason – Continuous Meditation : ‘Real state of Awakening’ (Jagrutavastha) Seeker has attraction towards the gross (physical), therefore he comes back into the wakeful state from a state of … Read more

O devout Hindus upskill yourselves to face the adverse times !

‘Till now we have been acquiring various skills with the objective of uniting Hindus for establishing Hindu nation. As per prevailing times, now we should focus on upskilling ourselves to deal with the adverse situation, especially for the purpose of protecting the Hindus. Current adverse times are that of calamity and by the next 6 … Read more

Gurupurnima : O’ Hindus ! To survive during the approaching adverse times, perform sadhana (Spiritual practice) under the guidance of Saints and Gurus !

Making efforts as per the times to re-establish the ‘Hindu Nation’ (Sanatan Dharma Rajya) in Bharat amounts to participating in the samashti mission of the Guru. Today, the situation is such that secularists, communists, rationalists and non-Hindu politicians rise against the very term ‘Hindu Nation’. Since they lack knowledge of Spirituality, they do not understand … Read more

Daily test from seeker’s point of view !

‘A Guru tests the seeker in between to expedite his spiritual progress. Seekers should understand that ‘the period, situation and the instances occurring in connection with people coming into contact are testing us everyday.’ – (H.H.) Mr. Sandeep Alshi