Limitations of science
Science commenting on laws in Spirituality is akin to a child speaking about elders. – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale
Science commenting on laws in Spirituality is akin to a child speaking about elders. – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale
Once yearning for God-realisation develops as a result of performing spiritual practice, one loses interest in materialistic things. Consequently, there is no envy, jealousy or hatred about others; so also, there is no feeling of aloofness or quarrels with others. – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale
Just as the shape of a letter is important, likewise, it’s pronunciation is important too. Among all the languages in the world, only Sanskrut gives importance to this aspect. Hence, pronunciation of Vedas is uniform everywhere and equally effective. – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale
very subject, be it Physics, Chemistry, Maths, History, Geography, etc. provides information only on that subject and no other. Conversely, Spirituality can provide information on every subject in the world. – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale
Do not have the ego that ‘I am doing it’ while serving the mission of establishing the Hindu Rashtra; because, as per the significance of time, the mission is definitely going to be accomplished. However, the efforts of those who participate selflessly by sacrificing their body, mind and wealth, will amount to spiritual practice. Consequently, … Read more
True Ramrajya will be experienced only in the ‘Hindu Rashtra’. – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale
Instead of inter-person love, develop love for the Rashtra and Dharma. It is more blissful. – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale
Reporters who advise people to do something for the Nation and Dharma, but themselves good-for-nothing, are hypocrites. – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale
Only Spirituality speaks of prarabdha (Destiny). Communism ignores not only this word but God as well. No wonder, it is on the verge of extinction in mere 100 years. – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale
‘न मे भक्तः प्रणश्यति ।’ – Shrimadbhagwadgeeta, adhyay 9, shlok 31 Meaning : My devotee shall not perish. Realising that God protects His devotee, meaning, one who performs spiritual practice, perform intense spiritual practice. Only then, God will protect you during the World War III. – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale