Who will establish the Hindu Rashtra ?

The Hindu Rashtra will be established by those who sacrifice; and not by those who make demands with selfish motives. – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale

Meaning of the word ‘Dharma’

Dharma is the Principle that protects the world from mishaps and ensures Moksha (Final Liberation) for man besides his materialistic progress as well as welfare after death. Most foreign languages do not have any equivalent for the word ‘Dharma’. Hence, they find it difficult to abide by Dharma. – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale

The futility of the claim that all religions are equal !

‘When an illiterate claims that letters are nothing more than some black marks, it shows his utter ignorance. Similarly, those who claim that all religions are equal show their ignorance about the subject. It is as foolish as claiming different medicines or different laws are just the same.’ – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale

Hindu Dharma is the only Dharma in the world!

As per the law of Creation, Sustenance and Dissolution, various sects are established and after some years their dissolution occurs, meaning, they cease to exist. Conversely, Hindu Dharma has no Creation, and since it has no beginning, it lasts till eternity. This is the uniqueness of Hindu Dharma. There is no other Dharma in the … Read more

Futility of school education

Presently a whole lot of subjects such as Maths, Geography, Economics are taught in schools. Of these, most are not even 1% useful in day-to-day life. In that case, instead of teaching above mentioned subjects to students, why is a policy of giving school education sufficient to develop common sense and utilising the remaining time … Read more

….only then will the pride amongst Hindus be awakened !

900 years of foreign rule in India has resulted in many generations living in slavery. Establishing Hindu Rashtra (Divine Kingdom) is the only remedy for neutralising the poison of slavery in our minds and that calls for striving day and night. Only after constant efforts by 4-5 generations will the pride for the Hindu Rashtra … Read more

Greatness of Hindu Dharma

Hindu Dharma teaches that God is present everywhere and in every individual; hence, Hindus are taught not to hate people of other religions. – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale

This is how the rulers should be !

Seeing God requires no spectacles; nor is a hearing aid necessary to hear Him. A clean conscious is all that is needed. A ruler who loves his subjects is similar. He neither requires spectacles to identify the unhappy citizens nor requires hearing aid to hear their difficulties. – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale