Mission of journalism through Daily ‘Sanatan Prabhat’

To propagate the message of establishing the ‘Hindu Nation’, Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale launched the ‘Sanatan Prabhat’ Periodicals in 1998. With inspiration through this Periodical, which provides perspectives in the interest of the society, Nation and Dharma, many people have begun protecting the Nation and Dharma

From Researcher to Rashtra Guru

1. Internationally renowned Hypnotherapist After conducting successful research on Hypnotherapy in England from 1971-1978, He became an internationally renowned Hypnotherapist. Returning to Mumbai in 1978, He started His independent practice as a Hypnotherapist on mental disorders. In 1982, He formed the ‘Indian Society for Clinical Hypnosis and Research’. From 1978-1983, He gave practical guidance to … Read more

Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale’s birth and His spiritually inclined family

To enable spiritually curious people to progress towards God-realisation faster, Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale promoted ‘Gurukrupayoga’ (Path of Guru’s grace, which has 8 steps). Till May 2016, 65 seekers have attained Sainthood by performing sadhana according to ‘Gurukrupayoga’; and 836 seekers have attained a spiritual level above 60% and are on their way to attaining Sainthood.

Effects on the environment of a pot emitting fragrance

Saints are unique. As they go closer to God, their physical, psychological and intellectual characteristics start undergoing changes..Their bodies undergo changes in the gross, meaning, their Divinity starts becoming visible in the physical dimension. This is called a ‘Divine change’.