Acidity : Causes, Symptoms, and Remedy
Find the cause for acidity and heartburn instead of self-medication and then find a long term solution for the acidity.
Find the cause for acidity and heartburn instead of self-medication and then find a long term solution for the acidity.
Following a few simple tips and incorporating some changes in our lifestyle will help with your eye health in this online era.
Contents1. Avoid untimely eating to keep your body healthy !A. Be cautious if you are eating chips or other snack items at night !B. Eat any food items which you like but only during the meals !2. For a healthy life, one must eat only 2 times in a day3. The reason behind shivering and … Read more
As against this oil milled in a wooden mill is extremely pure, chemical free and healthy. Bedsides it is produced in a natural way, as prescribed in the scriptures. It smells of pure oil and is sticky as it contains 4 to 5 types of vitamins. As there is minimum friction in a wooden mill not a single natural component from it is lost.
Internet is a storehouse of information. With a click of a mouse one gets recipes of favourite foods. It gives atleast 10 ways of how to get finished products from ingredients available wit you.
As per Ayurveda in the present period diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, vitamin deficiencies, obesity, extensive skin diseases, cold, different types of allergies, joint pain, swelling of the body, hormonal disorders such as thyroid disorders, poor digestion, constipation, piles etc occur due to the fire element within the body being covered with black energy or its reduction.
Junk food is harmful to health. As proven by different research it weakens the intellect, accumulates unnecessary gas and fat in the body and causes lethargy.
We Bharatiyas have a preconceived notion that what the Westerners do is the best so they have started imitating not only their clothes and lifestyle but also their eating habits. Dessert is another such practice. In the West it is eaten after the meal. However, Ayurveda says that the meal should be commenced with a sweet dish.
Diseases which can be caused from the food cooked in aluminium vessels depression, anxiety, dementia (forgetfulness), bone diseases (such as osteoporosis), diseases of eyes, decrease kidney function, diarrhoea etc.
Antibiotics are medicines used to kill bacteria. Every organism struggles to save itself.