Ayurvedic remedies to gain weight

Nutritious food is important to gain weight but if the digestive system is weak or if you have disorders of digestion then the nutritious food consumed is not digested and results in harm instead of benefit.

Should sweets be eaten at the beginning or end of a meal ?

We Bharatiyas have a preconceived notion that what the Westerners do is the best so they have started imitating not only their clothes and lifestyle but also their eating habits. Dessert is another such practice. In the West it is eaten after the meal. However, Ayurveda says that the meal should be commenced with a sweet dish.

Benefits of Agnihotra

This article will provide information on various topics such as the importance of Agnihotra in the context of spiritual practice, importance of Agni, definition of Agnihotra, promoter of Agnihotra, importance of Agnihotra and its benefits.