Devotion through conversation with God with an emotion of surrender
In spiritual practice conversing with God has special significance because it is through this very medium that we get the spiritual experience of non-duality.
In spiritual practice conversing with God has special significance because it is through this very medium that we get the spiritual experience of non-duality.
As of now there are many established Paths of Yoga (Spiritual practice) such as Dnyanyoga (Path of knowledge), Karmayoga (Path of action), Bhaktiyoga (Path of devotion),…
While busy in performing seva, many aspects are forgotten, and hence these remain pending. This process continues the entire day and ultimately causes tension at night.
Seva should be performed in such a manner that our personality defects get removed, virtues are imbibed, Anand (Bliss) is obtained and spiritual progress is attained rapidly.
By the grace of Saint Bhaktaraj Maharaj – The seat of faith of Sanatan Sanstha – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale (Inspiration for Sanatan Sanstha) propounded Gurukrupayoga (Path of Guru’s grace) in 1994. Given ahead is the Divine knowledge obtained by Mr. Ram Honap pertaining to this Path of sadhana (Spiritual practice).
Priti is unconditional love that is devoid of expectations. Worldly love is with expectations.
Sacrifice does not mean giving away the belongings; it means getting rid of attachment to them.
Once Sage Vasistha and Sage Vishwamitra were debating the relative superiority of satsang and penance. Sage Vasistha proclaimed satsang to be superior; whereas Sage Vishwamitra said it was penance. Unable to decide, they went to the Deities. The Deities said, ‘‘Only Sheshanag (The serpent who holds the earth on its hood) is capable of answering the question.’’
A seeker who is performing sadhana (Spiritual practice) as per Bhaktiyoga can easily make such efforts; however, for those following Karmayoga and Dnyanyoga it will not be so easy.
We should treat the individual who points out our mistakes as our real friend. He loves us truly ! When we comprehend that God only manifested through his medium and educated us for our spiritual progress, we will start progressing spiritually in earnest.
– Sanatan’s Saint H.H. Parasharam Pande Maharaj