Progressing from expressed to unexpressed bhav
Expressed bhav (Spiritual emotion) means bhav gets awakened in us and manifests in the form of an emotion, thought or action.
Expressed bhav (Spiritual emotion) means bhav gets awakened in us and manifests in the form of an emotion, thought or action.
Continuous efforts to awaken bhav (Spiritual emotion) increases transparency of the jiva. Transparency means being perceptive as well as sensitive.
Bhav means a constant awareness of God’s existence. Bhav is an intense yearning in the jiva (Embodied soul) to realise God.
Performing ritualistic worship as per Path of Rituals (Karmakand) is at the gross level, whereas doing so in the mind, is at the subtle level. Based on the principle of Spirituality – ‘one should go from gross to subtle’, worship performed in mind (subtle) is superior to ritualistic worship performed physically (gross).
‘When you sow one seed in God’s creation the returns that you reap are a thousand fold. Which bank in the world gives such a high interest rate ? Hence remember God who gives such a high interest rate atleast a little. Let there be at least this small amount of gratitude.’
Generation of spiritual emotion in the self is solely dependent upon our yearning for God realization, center of devotion for God getting created in the subconscious mind and our actual spiritual practice.
‘You should increase your spiritual emotion so much that God should feel like coming to you. You should not have to go to God.’
In spiritual practice conversing with God has special significance because it is through this very medium that we get the spiritual experience of non-duality.
As of now there are many established Paths of Yoga (Spiritual practice) such as Dnyanyoga (Path of knowledge), Karmayoga (Path of action), Bhaktiyoga (Path of devotion),…
While busy in performing seva, many aspects are forgotten, and hence these remain pending. This process continues the entire day and ultimately causes tension at night.