What are the means of obtaining bliss?

Only when the impressions of desires and instincts, likes and dislikes, temperamental characteristics, etc. are wiped off from the subconscious mind, that is only when nescience is destroyed can one experience the Bliss lying dormant within oneself.

Types of happiness and heaven or Moksha?

What are various types of happiness and It is because there is a lot of happiness in heaven that when there is a great amount of happiness on the earth, it is termed as heavenly. However one does not experience Bliss in heaven.

Why is man interested in Spirituality?

Each one feels like finding out the one from whom he has been created and feels like returning to Him. Each one feels at least subtly like going in search of the Creator and desires to return to Him.

What is a bijamantra?

The energy of any mantra lies in its bija. The chanting of a mantra is efficacious only if an appropriate bija is selected. The bijas activate the deity of the mantra.