Shri Annapurnadevi
This article explainsimportance of offering bhav-enriched prayers to ShriAnnapurnadevi.
Conducts related to cooking and preparation of food
This article explains conducts related to cooking and preparation of food.
Importance of storing water in earthen pot or copper utensil
This article explains importance of earthen pot and copper utensil for storing water.
Frequently asked questions on cooking
This article answers frequently asked questions on conducts related to cooking and preparation of food.
Methods of cooking, appliances, their benefits and harm
This article explains ill-effects of usage of modern cooking appliances and recommended conducts related to cooking.
Science underlying the achars to be followed after a meal
This article elucidates science underlying achars to be followed after the meals (for example, eating fennel or vida after the meals,taking a short nap in the afternoon) etc.
Code of conduct while eating food
Let us understand achars to be followed while eating food from this article.
Science underlying the achars to be followed while having a meal
Let us understand the science behind the achars, such as eating with right hand, to be followed while having a meal.
Achars associated with meals
In this article, let us understand the achars to be followed while eating.