Gokulashtami (Shrikrushna Jayanti)
On Gokulashtami, also known as Janmashtami, Shri Krushna’s Principle is thousand times more active as compared to other days.
On Gokulashtami, also known as Janmashtami, Shri Krushna’s Principle is thousand times more active as compared to other days.
Gurupournima is the day to express gratitude unto the Guru. The real mission of the Guru is to turn the materialistic society towards sadhana (Spiritual practice) and help a true disciple attain Moksha (Final Liberation).
Specific flowers have better ability to attract the subtlest particles of a specific Deity’s principle. When these flowers are offered to the Deity during worship, they help awaken the idol and the devotee benefits from the chaitanya in the idol.
The Aparajita form of Goddess Durga is worshipped near the Shami tree because Shami leaves are good conservers of energy and they conserve the energy of Aparajita.
Science underlying the worship of Goddess during Navratri. Information on Ghatasthapana, Lighting of Akhand deep, Establishing Goddess Ashtabhuja and Navarnav Yantra, Malabandhan, Kumarika pujan, Garba etc.
In the festival of Navratri, as per the tradition, rituals of ghatsthapana and mala-bandhan should be performed.
If the idol of Shri Ganesh is sculpted as per the science behind the idol then the pure spiritual particles of Shri Ganesh get attracted towards the idol to a greater extent and those worshipping it are benefited.
By immersing the idol in flowing water the Ganesh Principle in the idol also flows and spreads far and wide. With the evaporation of the water charged with the Ganesh Principle, the entire environment also becomes sattvik.