
One who imparts precise knowledge on appropriate spiritual practice for acquiring peace of mind and Ānand (Bliss) and how to perform it is none other than the Guru. Saint Tukaram Maharaj says, without the help of a Sadguru, we cannot find our path to Moksha (Final Liberation); hence, we should first hold the Guru’s feet, that is, we should make efforts to obtain His grace. In the life of a disciple, the Guru holds supreme importance; because a disciple cannot realise God without the Guru.

What is the importance of Guru?

In the present birth, everyone seeks guidance from teachers, doctors, lawyers etc. for simple aspects. If this be so, it is really beyond our imagination to understand the importance of the Guru, the one who releases us from the cycle of birth and death. One should surrender unto the Guru, so that the Guru can control his mind till its dissolution. Surrender unto the Guru completely and then leave the rest to Him.

Qualities of Guru

Qualities of Guru : A Guru has all the qualities that an ideal teacher possesses.

The types of Disciple

The superior disciple is a seeker who inspite of being trapped in unhappiness in the state of the embodied soul is convinced that “I am not the embodied soul but am really The Supreme God (Shiv)” through the study of the scriptures.

Sadguru and Paratpar Guru

Today ‘Guru, Sadguru and Paratpar Guru’ are used as synonyms; however, there is a marked difference between them in the spiritual context. Let us see how.