Reason for innumerable texts in Hindu Dharma

Spirituality is the science of infinity and hence, there are innumerable texts in Hindu Dharma. Without taking this aspect into consideration, some anti-Dharma Hindus and people of other faiths say, ‘Hindu Dharma does not have a single text like the Bible or the Quran’. They don’t realise that there is just one book for K.G., … Read more

Science is like kindergarten stuff

Study of Spirituality and performing spiritual practice makes one realise that science is kindergarten stuff. – Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale

Difference between political leaders and devotees

Leaders and workers of political parties switch parties for money or posts. However, a devotee never gives up being a devotee (quits God’s party), nor does he trade his place at the feet of God with another. – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Jayant Athavale

Greatness of Indian sages!

Scientists conduct research using machines and the conclusions they draw change with passage of time. Sages on the other hand, have told the ultimate truth millions of years ago without using any machines or conducting any research. The two can just not be compared. – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale

God will bestow everything!

Work for God instead of just anyone. God will bestow everything on you instead of something trivial. – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale

Importance of Satyayug

In Satyayug the need for periodicals, TV channels, websites, etc. was never felt; because there would be no dreadful news to report. All were in communion with God and hence, blissful. – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale

Unprincipled political parties

Unprincipled political parties go to any extent to appease citizens and get elected; whereas, seekers are ready to work extremely hard to please God. – (Paratpar Guru) Dr. Jayant Athavale