Limitations of egoist rationalists

Whatever ego rationalists might have about science, they have to realise that without the use of external means they will not be able to create even a particle of stone, leave alone a single celled creature. Conversely, God has created human beings that have millions of cells, and infinitely infinite Universes. – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) … Read more

Realise the importance of oblations in a Yajna

Rationalists are ignorant about usefulness of a Yajna and ask, ‘why do you burn these things in a Yajna ?’ It is not different from saying, ‘why do you cause pain to someone by giving him injection ?’ Just as there are benefits of taking an injection, there are benefits of giving oblations in a … Read more

Rationalists and blind faith

A blind by birth could say that vision, seeing is blind faith; similarly, rationalists term subtle perception ability blind faith. – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale

Rationalists and Kundalini Shakti

Performing spiritual practice awakens Kundalini Shakti. This has been experienced by millions of seekers in the eras till date; however, rationalists, who do not believe in spiritual practice, will say without performing spiritual practice, ‘show Kundalini Shakti, else it just does not exist’. – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale

Commence true elimination of pollution with overcoming pollution of your mind

The measures adopted after a lot of hue and cry about pollution are like superficial treatment of a disease without going to its root cause. The Raja-Tama predominant mind and intellect are responsible for pollution and they can be made sattvik only by performing spiritual practice. Efforts to stop pollution without purification of mind are … Read more

This is shameful for schools

It is utterly shameful for schools that their students have to go for private tuitions. During days of Gurukul system of education, there were no private tuitions. – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale,

Unparalleled Spirituality

Doctors, Judges, Governments, etc. do not bother to find the root cause of a problem; instead, they find only superficial solutions. Conversely, only Spirituality can advise remedial measures by taking into consideration the root causes of problems such as samashti (social) and vyashti (personal) prarabdha (destiny), give-and-take account, significance of times (Kaal Mahatmya), etc. – … Read more