‘Learn to tackle all problems faced at individual, social, national…

‘Learn to tackle all problems faced at individual, social, national or religious levels, only at spiritual level rather than at psychological or intellectual level; only then their ‘Karyakaran bhav (cause and effect)’ and solutions on them would be realized and you will be successful.’

It is not age but spiritual level is given importance…

It is not age but spiritual level is given importance in spiritual science ! : ‘In worldly life, we pay obeisance to a person who is elder to us; whereas age is not at all important in spirituality as spiritual level of a person is important ! Saints are paid obeisance and respect even if … Read more

Western culture promotes individual freedom, but…

‘Western culture promotes individual freedom under which one is encouraged to fulfill only self-desires; but Hindu culture eliminates self-desire and teaches how to acquire ‘Sat-Chit-Ananda (total bliss).’