Importance of obeying the Guru

Only when a disciple gets used to obeying his Guru, does he begin to obey God. God gives darshan to only such disciples; and hence, He does not give darshan to rationalists. – Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale

Sainthood – The highest honour in the world

Does awards such as Bharatratna, Nobel prize, etc. given by man have any significance when compared with Sainthood – the honour bestowed upon by God ? – Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale

Rationalists and Kundalini Shakti

Performing spiritual practice awakens the Kundalini Shakti. This has been experienced by millions of seekers in thousands of years; however, rationalists, who do not believe in performing spiritual practice, will say – show us the Kundalini Shakti, else it just does not exist ! – Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale

Perspective of Sanatan’s seekers

Present day parents are proud about their son’s ability to converse in English; whereas,Sanatan’s seekers express gratitude for begetting a Divine child. -Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale

Hindus focus only on God-realisation

Other sects aim at gaining supremacy over other religions; whereas, Hindus focus only on God-realisation. – Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale

O’ Hindus ! Realise the strength of unity !

For 74 years since Independence Congress survived on Hindu hatred and minority appeasement. To destroy India as well as Hindu Dharma, the Congress used all the techniques of counseling, bribing, punishing and discrimination. However, as per the significance of times, Hindus unitedly brought to an end the very existence of the Congress. O’ Hindus ! … Read more

Reason for innumerable texts in Hindu Dharma

Spirituality is the science of infinity and hence, there are innumerable texts in Hindu Dharma. Without taking this aspect into consideration, some anti-Dharma Hindus and people of other faiths say, ‘Hindu Dharma does not have a single text like the Bible or the Quran’. They don’t realise that there is just one book for K.G., … Read more

Science is like kindergarten stuff

Study of Spirituality and performing spiritual practice makes one realise that science is kindergarten stuff. – Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale